Join Sherry, of The Journey Back, More Than A Friend...
Today I'm spotlighting my Taterbaby!
My baby turned 18 (gulp) years old on 10/08/08.
My last born. When we married, twenty years ago, hubby came with three, I came with three. Together we were pleasantly surprised with Taylor. Taylor is my mother's maiden name, and I was very excited to give this favorite name to my baby. His middle name, Edward, comes from his dad and granddad, and greatgranddad. From the get-go Tay had a HUGE personality, facing EVERYthing with huge energy. Truly my bouncing baby boy. He hasn't changed a bit!

Tay wanted to eat out at a BBQ shack. It looks like a old dairy barn, and Thursday night was ALL YOU CAN EAT BEEF RIB NIGHT! MMMMMM,

Tay brought his friend, Amy, Grandma, Dad, Mike, Jeff (our home teacher happened to be eating alone and joined us:), and daughter Misty came for her birthday too! Of course that meant she brought LauraJune and David (two of our grands). Fun fun and food food!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAYLOR! You are all grown up now.

And you are as beautiful inside as you are outside!

Taylor I so love your outlook on life! The energy you live every moment! To think I might not have had this moment in my life with you! Thank you for joining us! Thank you for blessing us each day with your incredible spirit, your marvelous personality!
I LOVE YOU!!!!! MUCH!!!! You are more than just my son, you are my friend!!!
How sweet! My youngest just recently turned 19. He will always be my baby.
Have a lovely week, Carla. :)
Oh Carla thanks for posting even though it just didn't turn out like I wanted today at my blog.
Thanks anyway for following through.
And thanks so much for sharing Taylor. Since I work with disadvantaged teens it really brightens my day to see caring families like yours. I am so glad you have such a great relationship with your kids and that they are important enough to share this way. You are rare.
Tell you boy Happy Birthday!
Many Blessings to you.
Now I feel really dumb. How did I managed to post that comment twice? Sorry. At least it will make it look like your really popular today! LOL.
Actually I came back to tell you I left a litte present for you at my blog. I finally got my post up. I don't know what the deal was this morning!
I am really praying about this meme and I just now that God will do some great things with it.
I am about to go to WFW and then add that post too.
Don't forget to come see what I left you.
Ahhhh....aren't they always our babies???? They still need guidance from their parents.
Looks like you have a few bday party's close together. Tomorrow is my grandsons bday he will be 9. He and his Mom are the ones moving this way. Nov 1 is his moms too. Then my hubbys. So it looks like Bday season.
Have a good week my new friend.
Blessing Carla...I read this last night to see what real people were doing...and I was so touched to see
you honor your baby, your son Taylor as your friend! This speaks volumes of who he is and has become through the eyes of the most qualified to say: his mom. What a fantastic tribute for his birthday!
Happy birthday, Taylor! How you have grown & how wonderful that your mom can say you are beautiful inside out! There's no other way!
I love your photos of Taylor and all! Lots of birthdays coming up!
Enjoy all your celebrations! Your family deserves all of God's blessings! MORE THAN YOU'LL EVER
Thank you for your visit...I'm glad you saw it as a tribute to Sherry!
18???!!! WOW! MY oldest is 17--i got one more year to get it right!!
Happy birthday to a handsome and cool lookin TAY!
How awesome! HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)
This was precious.
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