This is a little early, because Eric was born on Halloween night. What an experience!!! He was my first born, my first everything. Eric is named Eric after his biological father, and Nelson after my maternal grandfather. These names fit him perfectly.

Eric is finishing up four years in the Navy, stationed in Virginia. (I am so thankful for myspace where I can keep in touch with him:) Eric plans on coming back to Texas and going to college locally. Of course, the whole world is open to him, but, I would LOVE it if he were nearby. Eric has blessed my life for twenty three years, come 9:20 pm October 31, 2008. Happy Birthday baby! I hope you and your friends have a blast (I'm sure you will:),

{love this picture of Eric hard at work}
and I look forward to seeing you next year!!!! I love you!!!
Eric is more than JUST my friend. He is my first. He stretched my heart in a way I would have never dreamed. Who knew you could love so big! Well, Heavenly Father did. Thank you, Father, for sending my Eric into my life! I love his spirit, his out look! His determination!
Thank you Eric, for trusting ME! YOU ROCK!!!
Sending your first-born birthday wishes from India! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Eric!! Have a wonderful celebration!
Happy Birthday Eric & God bless you and thank you for serving your country and keeping it free! Know that you and all the other soldiers, sailor, marines, and everyone who serves are all in my prayers nightly!
Carla give him a big hug and kiss and tell him "thank you" from the bottom of my heart!
You have such a great family!! I'm with Nola--tell him how much we appreciate all he is doing to keep our country safe. Hope he as a happy day and a great year!!
Happy Early Birthday to your first born Son Eric. How proud you must be of him for serving his country. As a former navy veteran myself & wife of a retired navy man I have alot of respect for anyone enlists in the military.
Happy birthday to Eric.
My oldest Amy was born Nov. ! she was almost a Halloween baby too. If you are on myspace. Look at the bottom of my page for my me at myspace page and add me to your friends if you want.
Tim came and haulled Amys car back here. And the went back at 4 am this morn. Her car is not repairable.
Have a great day Grammy.
I also have a son about that age...love their enthusiasm for life and their energy! Tell Eric thanks for his service to our country Kij
Happy Birthday Eric :)
Nice post---lucky son to have such a great Mom. Tell him thanks for his service to our country. Julie
Happy early birthday to your first baby! What a lucky guy to have such a great mom, and sounds like you are a lucky mom to have such a great son!
That is a great shot, no wonder you love it so much!
Happy Birthday!!!
That post is beautiful. You love all of your children, that first one, well..........you know.
Happy Birthday Eric!! Thanks for serving our country in the Navy, I mean that with all my heart. What a wondeful thing a first-born is. Everything is so new for both of you. Whose headstone is he on? Is that his grandfather he was named for? Just curious. Thanks for stopping by! I've been really busy and haven't been too good about getting around but I do think of my blogging buddies still!
Thank you so much for the well wishes and gradtude for his service. He doesn't see it as a big deal, but I do. He is laying on a random tombstone, he and his friends hung out at a graveyard one evening. I love it! Respectful time with the dead. (I WISH he could sit on some of our families stones, but they are all ground level.) Again, thank you!
Thanks for always being there for me. Thank you for the great blog section you have put up in my honor. I would like to thank everyone for actually appreciating my service to my country even though I have never been to war on land or at sea however we protect the waters the best we can and transport marines to Kuwait, Bagdad, and Afganstan and other places as well. You are correct when you say my mom is lucky to have me and vice versa. Thanks to all of you that said happy birthday to me as well. Well I had a blast barhopping on my birthday in costume I will have pics up sometime shortly on my myspace. well ttyl.
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