Yes, actually I am...
One Sunday recently, I had big exciting plans. Up early to put chili in the new crockpot I just bought, (Mr. Crockpot will have his own post:) church in the morning, lunch at mom's with family watching church broadcast on her tv-playing candy bingo, while eating chili, cheese, cornbread, and dipping fresh veggies all day!!! VERY exciting!
Hubby and I got up early, to start the chili.
The water was off.
Is it possible?
I always keep at least one gallon jugs of water in the fridge, but that wasn't going to be enough.
I needed (YES NEEDED) to wash my hair and sure did NOT want to use super cold fridge water to do that!
Then we remembered we had filled the water containers out in the shed during our preparation for hurricane IKE!
We had filled the BIG barrels (I don't know where the syphon is though) AND the small 6 gallon jug (recently purchased, one payday at a time at Walmart). I have had these for a while, empty. Preparing for hurricane Ike, pushed me to fill them.
Hubby brought in one 6 gallon jug and we used it to cook, clean, and wash my hair. I used a funnel to put it in a clean, empty milk jug for easier usage. I was happy!
The water was turned back on later that day.
As it turned out, we were under a 'boil water notice' for days!! This water in the jug came in so handy! I used faucet water for cleaning and cooking, and poured my 'stored water' for drinking. I didn't even use the whole 6 gallon jug!!!

I love water, it is my favorite thing. To see it, feel it, drink it.
It makes me happy!
It's my one GOOD habit!!!
I am thankful we prepared for the hurricane.
It was small and easy.
I am thankful the damage wasn't as big as they feared.
I (still) pray for those affected.
In any way.
I love scriptures that speak of water, because I understand the necessity of it, and the desire for it.
My favorite one lately. Pslams 42: 1-2
"As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?"
Made me think, do I CRAVE my time with God?
Why or Why not?
(hart is a deer, also a family name, and MY HEART:)
The gospel of Jesus Christ is the never ending water.

Tank up on BOTH!!!
You never know when you might need some!!!
Have a wonderful week!
This is my post for:

{Happy Birthday Daddy, from down here on earth, up to you in heaven! I will be thinking of you today, and smiling:}
It's such a small thing our leaders ask us to do but it can be such a huge blessing in time of need!! I'm glad you were obedient too and were blessed.
I'm still using all my hurricane supplies, too, bottled water, canned goods, and enough batteries to last all year!
Your post has me humming a song we sing in church quite often. I can't quite recall the exact name, but the words are your scripture verse - "as the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after Thee. You oh Lord, are my heart's desire and I long to worship You. You, oh, Lord, are my strength and shield" ... there's more, but that's all I can pull out of the air without Brother Scott up there directing :) Thanks for the wonderful post. I read down through your blog - it touched my heart and jump started my morning :). Alice in Florida
Great post. I am so glad the water came in hands. And nothing happened to you. Thanks for you visit. And an example of spending wisely is on your post. The crock pot you bought. Helped some one who built it and some one who delivered it. and some one who sold it to you. Put food on there table. Great buy.
Be blessed my friend
Wonderful post about water......I loved that picture with the drop of water raining down......Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful week!
Mom always said God helps those who help themselves. You were ready for what came your way and took it with a smile.
Good job!
How wonderful you were prepared. The Bible has so much to say about being prepared and of course, the Living Water. I love water too. I prefer a glass of cold water to any kind of cola. And there are no calories or any of the stuff they say is not good for you in both cola and sweetener they put in the diet kind. Give me water.
Your comments are always so sweet. Thank you for thinking about us during our difficult time. How nice that you had the water stored and ready to use when you needed it. You know- I have always wondered if water goes bad. Is that a dumb question? You know if you store it in a jug for a long while, is it still ok to drink? I would think that it would be no good after awhile. HMMM....what do I know.
Sometimes the things that we do to prepare for one disaster helps us through another. I can see why you would be thankful you prepared for Ike. I love your analogy of water and the gospel.
More than a Friend is up. I added some fun challenges to it and a great giveaway and you have a whole week to write your post!
Come by and join us again.
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