We have had rain, glorious rain!!
Amazing how things come to life after a good rain.
My front deck plants are happy, happy, happy!!!

Pride of Barbados is fixing to bloom:)

My tropical Jasmine was full of buds, but the rain knocked them all off.
These are just pretty, and not smelly:(

My Maple Sugar Hibiscus turns a redder color in the cooler weather.
It got so tall, I moved it to the back of my plant line up.

Can anyone tell me what this is?
It showed up in this pot last year, so it is perennial...

in cooler weather older leaves have a purple tinge...

It will bloom tiny white blooms soon, I would love more info if anyone knows...

Man O Man I love my pond area!!

Cardinal's Flower Lobelia cardinalis
This is my first bloom this year.
I dug this one up from a local swampy area.

Sooooo pretty!
All my swampy plants are in a pot submersed in my pond.
I think the proper term is 'bog plants'.

Found this little guy by following the chirping,
but I wasn't him making the noise,
wonder who else is hiding out over in the potting area?

I planted 3 types of gourds in this pot, looks like only one lived.
Will it be birdhouse, egg, or dipper gourd?
Only time will tell (if it doesn't run out of good weather first:)

In my pond are lovely lilies.
I have two kinds, both plant swaps.
Neither have either bloomed in the year I have had them,
but they look very healthy!

This one's new leaves are bronze...

My Green and Gold Artemisia has gone crazy...it over hangs everywhere...

And under it is the other water lily...

Lovely spider appreciating the pond fishing...

This little tropical vine comes back every year, very late, and very small, but very welcome...

One Clematis bloom...

Looking back at the front deck.
This is only a one year old flower bed.
My front beds look great (back yard? not so great).
I so recommend lasagna gardening...

Tansy bloomed for me again this year:)

Sorrel, Day lily, and Powers Castle Artemisia-so lush!!

Thanks to the bug that ate all the leaves on my Pokeberry weed,
the berries really stand out now.
Loving this purple!!

See my pretty creeping Lavender Lantana??
Pretty huh?
BUT NOT lavender!!
I swear it was lavender when I bought it!
Oh well, this will do:)

Strawberry Grass, that came back from the almost dead,

I love when that happens:)
Welcome back baby!!
I am going to have to move this Taro (running Elephant Ear),
it is taking over.
Maybe I can plant an actual Elephant Ear bulb and get this look...hmmmm....

Milk and Wine Crinum Lily blooming again...love this toughy!!

I have really enjoyed this rain with no wind or lightening accompanying it. However we are maxed out, and in danger of flooding in many areas. So, its free to move on to more needy areas:)
Have a lovely week:)
Have a wonderful Bloomin' Tuesday!
Join MsGreen "thumb" Jean for
Bloomin' Tuesday! Come join in or see others!
Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Day Dreamer's