For me? ((demurely blushes))
Actually: FOR ME!!! ((big excited HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY))
From UN-Grumpy Angel.
Thank you so much! I really enjoy your blog-and feel like you are a new friend:)!
The Smile Award
These are the rules:
1. The recipient must link back the the awards creator
2. You must post these rules if you receive the award.
3. You must chose 5 people to receive the award after receiving it yourself
4. You must fit the characteristics of the recipient of the award, as posted by Mere.
5. You must post the characteristics of a recipient.
6. You must create a post sharing your win with others.
7. You must thank your giver.
Characteristics for the Smile Award:
1. Must display a cheerful attitude.
(not necessarily at all times--we are all human)
2. Must love one another
3. Must make mistakes
4. Must learn from others
5. Must be a positive contributor to blog world
6. Must love life
7. Must love kids
{Most of the time, I'm trying!}
Here are the people I chose:
1. Just Another Day In Paradise For the title much less the attitude she shows toward life!
2. 11th Heaven's Homemaker's Heaven because a part of me wishes I could do THAT part of my life again (and better:), of many children, lots of love, an eye for color and 'taking care of busi-ness' SHE is supermom!
3. Whetten Wonders for her wonderful humor 'bout everyday life!
4. Alamo North because she is "Texas-ly" (is that a word?) Awesome!!
5. Is that a garage on my ceiling because (currently) I'm hooked on her updated reports regarding the cruel ATM attacks in her area-lol
If you don't want to participate that's ok.
Just know your making someone out in blog land smile
(family thinks I've lost it:))
Thank you so much Marivic, YOU make me smile!!!
(did you see all that linking going on? I'm alinkinfool-I am!)
Ya'll Have a Great Day!
I really like this scripture, and what could be better than PURPLE FROGS????
Congrats on your award!
Awww well shucks! I'm honored! I haven't figured out how to do links yet but I'll work on it so I can properly put it on my blog!
COngrats on your award and thanx for considering me froggy worthy--I needed it!
Thank you soooo much (Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson accent, The Closer)!!!
I'll try to get it posted and passed tomorrow, if Ike will allow!
Congratulations on your award!
Thank you so much for sharing this with me! I really appreciate it. I'll blog about it next week as I have promises and blogs set to post already for Saturday and Monday. You are so sweet, thanks again for the award and kind words, you've made my day! Cindy
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