It kind of scared me. So I slowly peeked in the pots to see which one was missing the dirt. These pots have been in the backyard since May, pretty muchly on their own. I checked the right pot. Nope. I checked the left pot....

What was it? What to do what to do? Well, first run inside and get the camera (lol) and then CHECK IT OUT!!
Could be a toad (but I've never seen one dig all the dirt out like that and this pot was WAY UP HIGH)
Could be a squirrel (but we don't have squirrels here),
could be a....a...SNAKE (shutter the thought)
I had to see!

Notice that IT didn't bother the dirt filled pot with the dead plant in it!
NO..... IT dug a tunnel in one of my favorites!
A very expensive to replace plant!!!!
So...IT, WHATEVER IT was, has good taste...hmmm)

So I took the pot around front to my 'secret potting corner', and just look at all the dirt left behind! That dust pan is over full! Also notice how high this pot was off the ground...hmmmmmm

Further investation showed...NOTHING! just a tunnel all the way to the bottom! What was it? Where did it go??? WHY DID IT THROW MOST OF THE DIRT OUT OF THE POT???? The world may never know. But I can tell you I am happier now that its filled back up and where I can keep an eye on it! I repotted and added some small succulents:

Sedum Truffles, Sedum Angelina, Sedum Watch Chain Plant, Sedum Blue Carpet, Starfish (which just bloomed!), Huge Aloe, Basket plant Pretty-huh?

Also moved to the front is this hardy false aloe (can be used for burns),

And this pot of mixed succulents (forgot the name right now),

AND I potted up these hoya Ahola, and succulents kitchen window.
So, the mystery may never be solved.....Oh well,
I'm just glad I didn't find a snake in here-(((shivers)))
Tag info for little succulents (all from FTW plant swap (Thanks)):
Echeveria shaviana cv. ‘Truffles’ (in pot with big aloe)
Forms rosettes of fleshy up curving leaves with very crinkly edges. Excellent for windowsill culture or for dish gardens. Bright light is required to prevent ‘stretching’ of Echeveria. Very porous soil. Protect from frost. Hardy to 36f; to 4” +. Water thoroughly when soil is dry.
Sedum Angelina (in pot with big aloe)
Sedum Watch Chain Plant (in pot with big aloe)
Sedum Blue Carpet (in pot with big aloe)
Hi Carla, Yikes! I also wonder it could be. Hmm... I'm glad you didn't find it. It would be a little scary to see a snake or another weird creature. Yikes! I hope it's gone forever.
What an interesting mystery! I have no idea what it could be.
I see that you've been raiding MY potted plants to restock your own!
Hi Carla,
Do you live where there are armadillos? They like to tunnel & dig. Eeek. Your tagline for you blog is how I want to live my life.~~Dee
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