Girl trip!
Consisting of Aunt JJ, Mom, Daughter Misty, Granddaughter LauraJune, myself-and grandson David (he is the exception to the rule:)
We used to go every Labor Day-as many girls as possible-but have missed this trip in the past few years. It was a blast!
We loaded up in Aunt JJ's suburban, and headed to the panhandle of TX. Eight short hours later we arrived at Uncle P & Aunt JL's house. She is such a hostess! What a lovely! Her daughters were there-C who lives with them, and K from Arkansas. C's daughter R and grandson A stopped by too. Oh the talking, and laughing and eating. We made the usual round to Hobby Lobby-where I picked this for my treasure (they had a ton to choose from-so when in doubt-go with the biggest!)

Mom and Aunt JJ stopped in at a quilt store, then off to a few little shops, and Walmart (our girl trips ALWAYS include Walmart)-where I bought my 'over the sink' self-watering rectangle pot.
Then we left out for Groom, TX. Groom is the site of this huge cross, and surrounded by statues depicting Jesus' journey to the tomb. The work is beautiful-and horrible. The website has wonderful photos of the building of the cross and statues, as well as outbuildings.
"On the west end of Groom at I-40 and F.M. 295 is the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ Ministries. Built by a man in Pampa who was disgusted with the huge billboards advertising pornography along I-40 to Amarillo, the cross is the largest in the Western Hemisphere at 190 feet and can be seen from a distance of twenty miles on a clear day."

(in the flower looking part under the cross are the stations of Christ, the V shaped part to the left is the crucifix, and tomb)

LauraJune LOVED getting out and running around-she did NOT like the angel in the empty tomb. Actually she didn't like the empty tomb. I did get her to pat the angel's head.
We go every time we are out there.
Aunt JJ suggested we go to the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial. I didn't go inside (too much for me), the garden was lovely and very well kept. A lovely tribute. You can go here for a 360 Virtual tour-very cool
"We come here to remember...
Those who were killed...

Those who survived and changed forever...

May all who leave here know the impact of violence.

May this memorial offer comfort,



Hope and


Makes you hug your babies a little tighter.
We took Aunt JJ to the site of an OK State Hospital where my paternal great-grandmother lived the last years of her life. Aunt JJ had never been, Great-Grandma Lillian Grace died the spring before Aunt JJ was born-she has Lillian for her middle name.
Then home we came, across OK to TX. Texas my Texas.

The babies weren't TOO fussy,

Aunt JJ drove the whole way.

Daughter Misty worked on a blanket for her hubby.

Mom came home with a treasure from a dear friend's yard (turk's cap). She only rode with it between her legs one hour:).
We were home by bedtime Friday. I sure was happy to be home. I was tired from all the fun.
Thank you to Aunt JL and family for having us-You really make us feel at home;
I forgot to take pictures of your family with my camera :(
Thank you Misty for going and being my girl-AND being a good mommy to my grandbabies;
Thank you Aunt JJ for everything, from driving, to laughing, to making me go to the Oklahoma Memorial;
Thank you mom for being my mommy!
My cup over-flow-eth!
{God bless all who have come and gone before us, and paved the way for us...}
Wow--you have been busy--I am always amazed at your plant stories! The only thing I can grow around here is pine trees--ah well--erhaps in another season of my life. Your baby is a Senior?? Wow-that day seems far off here--but I know it will fly by. Looks like you had a fun girls outing. I have only driven through Texas a few times when I lived in Louisiana on my way to and from Utah. I was surprised that parts of it were quite green. Thanx for the great comments on my blog recently--especially the one about my Mom--I read it often when the stress level starts to rise--have a great day!
That's quite a trip and what lovely photos. When in Hawaii, we visited Pearl Harbour and it was just quite remarkable to be there. Actually, we were there right after 9/11 (arrived in Hawaii on 9/10) so it was quite a trip for us!!
Thanks for the comment on my blog. I'd have to agree - bathing suits are not girl friendly!!
Wow sounds like a wonderful trip. How nice that the little ones stayed happy! That makes every trip better!
I went to the Oklahoma bombing site, it really gave me a chill, just thinking what had gone on there. My hubby actually worked for the phone company, and had to be in the area immediately after the bombing to set up emergency phone lines; it's something that really impacted him!
Glad you chicks had a fun getaway.
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