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Well, wanna see my clocks???
I guess I have a thing for old 70's style plastic wall stuff.
I KNOW I have a thing for EBAY!!!
Last week was my hip flirty eyes, swishy tail, kitty cat clock-
Well, I don't want any (clock) one to feel left out
(they might quit working-perish the thought)
so here's the rest of the family
(except one that still packed up;)
Burwood Frog! love love LOVE IT! Its in the 'frog' bathroom-(did I mention I love it???)

Burwood, in the kitchen. Really matches the yellowish wall color
(which really washes out in my pictures-trust me its pretty),
AND the super cool curtains that were here when we moved in!
Love this little "God bless our daily bread" reminder.

And Ol Grindy from Walmart. We started out with a Big Ben, cheap cheap cheap, which seems to get all noisy and grindy sounding as it get older. I have been know to wake up in the middle of the night and shake it to stop the grinding sound. We've tried other types, but this little Big Ben works best. The alarm is set for the morning wake up call, and placed on its face to cover the light (no I don't want to turn off the light-I might need to check it in the middle of the night.) It is amazing tolerant and reliable! When we go to get another one, we actually say 'Next time I'm at Walmart, remind me to get a new ol grindy.'

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I can see why you love your Burwood Frog. So cute and ingenius! What a fun thing to keep. Last week the kitty cat clock. Now the frog. I'm beginning to think you have a flambouyant side you keep in check :-) Am I right? If so, let it out, Carla!
How funny, I can't stand the light on our bedroom clock, so I keep a small handtowel thrown across it!
I love that kitchen clock!!! The frog is super cute too!
I Love love love clocks. Your frog one is very cute, but that kitchone one with Give us our Daily Bread is precious. Never seen one like that.
What a fun collection of clocks! The frog is so cute!
All of your clocks are so cute, I like the kitchen one the most--I've never seen one like that!
Thanks for stopping by!
What a fun collection! I love the kitchen one.
I like those clocks. They get me nostalgic for my Grandma's house - especially Ol' Grindy. Seems she had one in every bedroom. :-)
Your clocks have character. I especially like the frog!
Love the frog clock. I used to have the "give us our daily bread" clock when I first got married!!!!
The kitchen clock looks like something from home interiors.
Rip-it! Goes it croak when the batteries die? ; )
We have one of those bird clocks, where there are different birds for the hours. It doesn't work at night, needs light to activate it. It surprises a lot of people.
Cute collection!
Thanks for stopping by my blog too.
So cute! I love the Frog!Such a fun collection!
Blessings to You!
Claudia O.
I love that frog. Thanks for taking time to share it.
Neat clocks! I like the frog clock best!
The clocks are really special and so cute ! But still the cat clock was the best, lol !
I can't decide which one I like the best! The frog is really cute!!But I must tell you one thing Carla...your blog has that feeling of cheerfulness that every time I leave it -- your zest for life...enthusiasm/happiness rubs off on me!! I love being here!!
Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving your comments!
Time to tell you I love the froggie clock! Ribbit!!
What a great collection of clocks. I really like the "give us this day our daily bread clock.
Thank you for stopping by my blog. Have a blessed week!
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