This is brought to you by the letter P!!
I saw this on Rhonda's Whetten Wonders and asked to join in:)
She said "This game is an easy one! All you have to do is make a list of ten of your favorite things. But there is a little catch. Everything on the list has to start with a specific letter of the Alphabet. That letter is randomly assigned by the blogger who you are playing with!"

Be Prepared to be amazed!
1. Progress, it doesn't have to be huge (or anyone has to notice), just slowly moving forward
2. Perfection=complete, my goal, to be complete
3. Personal relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I love knowing they REALLY care all the time, makes it worth it:).
4. Parents, love both my parents, their love story, and example they set for me to grow in. I love being a parent (step or birth-love it either way)
5. (Grand)parents, loved my grandparents, and being a grandparent:) (happy happy joy joy)
(so I'm not 'cheating' my Grandpa was called Papa-pronounced Pawpaw)
6. Partner, my partner in 'time' for eternity-he makes life fun, and bareable.
7. People, sure wouldn't wanna be here alone:) {though there ARE days:}
8. Places, so much to see, so much to do! Even if I never leave my yard:)
9. Purple-I LOVE PURPLE! from blue to red and every shade in between.
10. Plants-love the life I feel in them. The way they live out their lives and honor their maker withOUT questioning. Just obedient and faithful:)
Actually that was Pretty easy:)
Now that was easy and it was fun to boot! Feel like playing along? You know you want to! All you need to do is ask and I will randomly assign you a letter.
This post was brought to you by the letter "P." (thanks Rhonda)

DAY TEN: Love is unconditional
"God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
CHALLENGE: Do something out of the ordinary today for your spouse - something that proves (to you and to him) that your love is based on your choice and nothing else. Demonstrate love to him for the sheer joy of being their partner in marriage.
RESULTS: hmmm, gonna have to think about this on, results posted Monday
From Friday
DAY NINE: Love makes good impressions
"Greet one another with a kiss of love." 1 Peter 5:14
CHALLENGE: Think of a specific way you'd like to greet your spouse today. Do it with a smile and with enthusiasm. Then determine to change your greeting to reflect your love for them. of jealousy.
RESULTS: I planned on meeting him at the door, if not in the yard, but he got in the house too quick-however granddaughter and I did make a big deal about it. Then I proceeded to get VERY IRRITATED with him for not agreeing with me!!! The nerve!! (of him not me:) I'm over it now, and thank goodness I didn't say anything I have to take back. This eve I plan on apologizing for the 'tude on my part. So, I passed, barely:)
That is an awesome list - I could not of came up with that many starting with P. Good Job!!
I definately would not have thought of Plants - I always end up killing them - They don't like me. I agree with the "paw-Paw" - I am very thankful for the time I had with my grandpa and can't wait to be a grandma - but hopefully this will not happen for a few more years.
I absolutely LOVE the piece of art in your title. One of my faves! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
That was great Carla! I KNEW Plants would be in there!
And purple is my fav too. Another reason I love your blog layout.
I love your optimism. Optimistic people are a whole lot more fun to be around than those who are not. Good "P" list.
I liked your "P" list especially PawPaw as my Dad was called Papaw. So that was a nice memory. Your family is so beautiful.
Roberta Anne
You get a p for perfect.
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