Wednesday, July 22, 2009

WW: One is the loneliest number

Thank you mom for my poundcake!!!
Good to the last crumb:)

Join Dixie at the French Lique, Texas blog for more:)


Grammy said...

Yummy! You have a wonderful Mom.

Zaroga said...

That looks delish!

Darla said...

Yummy, bet it's not still on that plate...

Valerie said...

Mmmm that does look yummy. I am starving!! lol Hey Carla I haven't been by in a while sorry for that. But I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you haven't been by my place in a while it looks a little different I got me a new layout. Have a blessed day!

Heather said...


Glad to see that you found your way over to the Mr. Linky :) for today's WW.

Every Wednesday through the summer, I'll be hosting on my Simply Joyful Photos, do peek in each week and leave your mark :)

Unknown said...

that does look soooooo good! April Fool's Day?? I am confused.

Angela said...

That looks good!!! Did you save that for me? hehehe

Happy Wordless Wednesday!

Tootsie said...

looks so should eat it and put it out of it's misery! lol

Elaine said...

It's dinner time around here and here I am reading blogs instead of getting it on the table! Now I have to.....your pound cake reminded me of how hungry I am! Looks delicious! :)

Dawn said...

I hope you didn't leave that poor little piece of poundcake on that plate all alone for long! How rejected it must feel.LOL! I know, you can send it to me, I'm sure your mom won't mind you sharing!

Terry said...

Yummy cake .
Thank you for sharing I did not gain an ounce :)
That was so much fun !
Happy Wordless Wednesday to you.
Have a great rest of the week.
Blessings of joy to you and yours.
Happy Trails

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Yummy!! I love pound cake. What a nice mom you have.


Rhonda said...

mmmmmm. I bet it wasn't lonely for long! lol

Lisa Loo said...

So unfair to dangle this in front of me---my stomach is growling!