Because we came home early from our trip to DFW Sat, we decided to go on a short day trip with our doggies.
Just hubby and I.
We got out the atlas.
We loaded up the doggies! Bassets, Mellow and Reba rode in back. Smart hubby laid down an old blanket for them, which was wonderful since BOTH bassets threw up. Twice. My chihuahua/pekingese puppy, however marvelous. (After all toy dogs are travel partners:)
Just hubby and I.
We got out the atlas.
We loaded up the doggies! Bassets, Mellow and Reba rode in back. Smart hubby laid down an old blanket for them, which was wonderful since BOTH bassets threw up. Twice. My chihuahua/pekingese puppy, however marvelous. (After all toy dogs are travel partners:)

I have a wonderful backpack I like to travel with.
We were totally prepared.
Except no paper towels, and hubby got tired of finding trash on the side of the road to scrape the barf off of the blanket.
(because I am an old pro at barf scraping, I have little sympathy:)
Caddo Lake State Park is very east Texas (almost Louisiana), in about 2 hours later we arrived!!!

My sis-in-law gave us this neat surprise bag as a gift. We were to find a special spot and open it. We finally took it, and found a spot!!! You can tell it was made for winter, it had a yummy soft blue blanket, 2 mugs, hot chocolate, and a thermos. Wonderful idea!!!

We found the most wonderful private picnic spot right on the water! The lake area is full of pine, oak, cypress and of course Spanish moss hanging from the trees. The dogs waited patiently for us to have our lunch.

After we walked a trail, old basset Mell tuckered out quick, we drove over to this area. WOW! So tranquil.
Get this, NO mosquito's, NO ticks, NO flies, NO trash, NO rude people, cooler weather, perfect perfect day!!
Get this, NO mosquito's, NO ticks, NO flies, NO trash, NO rude people, cooler weather, perfect perfect day!!

On the way home we went back through Jefferson, Texas, where I lived as a child, and drove by the funeral home dad worked at, and we lived on top of. The stairs are the ones we used to go up.

The doggies were so tuckered out they slept the whole way home, and most of the next day.
We normally don't go places together, and this is the first doggie trip.
We want to have things handy to 'just go', cheap.
We want to see the local sites, and maybe do some 'overnighting' with our camper.
I know one thing, this trip was fun.
Hubby, fun.
Doggies well mannered, fun.
Nature, fun.
Lovely and fun.
Carla, What a great trip, my husband has been there many times and was there the 16th. thru the 19th, last weekend. He took his kayak and several others and the fished. He wants me to get a kayak and we will go back together. After seeing your pictures, I think we will do that.
Your dogs are darling and I know you enjoy them, animals are such company.
Well, I hear Mr Tom Turkey gobbling, he is looking for some food. He and Ms. Hen are Rio Grande Turkeys and they seemed to have wondered up and now make their home on the Bar H.
Ilove them.
Well, again I loved your pictures and hope you all have a great Saturday.
Such a beautiful place! Glad you had a basket full of fun! Good dogs.
Hard to tell who had the better time, the humans or the dogs! Looks like everyone had a great time!
Oh WOW I've always wanted to see Caddo Lake and now I guess I have. It is beautiful. I just love the idea of your gift you received from your sis-in-law. I might have to steel it if it's okay with you.
Sooooo many lovely shots,
it makes my day ^__^
Thanks for the smile ...
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :)
That was so awesome. Alone time is a blessing. The photos are all beautiful.
I an so glad you have had a wonderful start to your empty nester adventures.
I'm with Grammy. LOVED the pics. Your dogs are so cute and I hope its not bad but the throw up story made me smile. I get an upset stomach when I have to travel in the back seat too!
Uncertain, TX?! Awesome!
Oh and I can't believe there were no bugs? How does that happen?! Especially down where you live?
What a lovely day--thanx for sharing..
WOW! What a great place! Looks like your entire family enjoyed the outing! Love the little package from your sil!
Thanks Carla
for your sweet & lovely words ^__^
Anya :)
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