Friday, October 2, 2009

Show & Tell: Fall Stuff

I was kind of in a dilemma where to put my fall stuff since the empty fish tank I was using as a shelf was broke. Hubby has promised to make me a large shelf to go here to hold photos and pretties. BUT that hasn't happened yet. And fall was fast approaching.

Then I remembered the end table between my couches is made for displaying things. So, behold the Autumn-ness...
(Sorry about the blurry pics), I bought two little scarecrows, one of me one for the hub's.

Last year I spread these jeweled pumpkins out, but this year came up with putting them in my 'harvest jar' (which I stuff all kinds of 'found' things in. There is a jeweled pumpkin for each grandchild. Next is the only family picture in the living room, while I wait on the 'shelf'. See the little witch shoes? So cute.

A black tin candle holder witches hat, pumpkin, and red basset finish it out. Love the way this basset's (found at goodwill for the hubs) color goes so well with the autumn stuff.

TaDa!! I'm officially ready now!!
I am SO enjoying the cooler weather!!
We will be trick-or-treating with the grands in their neighborhood, and I'm thinking of taking my puppy.
I just have decide what puppy will be wearing:)

Have a great weekend!!!!
Go to My Romantic Home for more Show and Tell today:)


Darla said...

Yep you are all ready for fall.. looks real nice!

Cindy said...

Very nice displays, though I'll admit I like the basset hound, I have half a one! Very pretty.

Charlene said...

Love the pumpkins & gords in the jar! What a great idea. I have so many & they do get kind of strung all over! I may borrow your idea. I still need to go get the buckets of fall decor out of the storage unit. You are so ahead of me. Isn't Trick or Treating with the "GRANDS" fun. I love it. We always have 5 & it's a hoor. Have a great weekend.

The Old Parsonage said...

What great fall decor. I love how you took things into your own hands and made do with what you have.

The jar is terrific!

Becca's Dirt said...

Things look good. Have a nice weekend.

Gail said...

I have to take down my Christmas first...kidding.

Good job

Tootsie said...

looks wonderful!

Nola said...

Can't believe it's already fall! Love your dazzling pumpkins in the jar, what a cute idea.

Diann @ The Thrifty Groove said...

Oh, I love that big ar filled with little gourds and pumpkins!

Ginger said...

Nice decorations--I need to get going and put mine out now.

Lora @ my blessed life said...

Your beaded pumpkins are so pretty in your jar! Happy Fall!!

Cindy said...

I love the jeweled pumpkins in the jar! You reminded me that I have some similar ones that are candles...I'll have to look for those! Thanks so much for joining in on my first Show and Tell!

Ingrid said...

What a lovely decoration ! Perfect for fall and already for Halloween !
If you want to have a look on my paintings they are here

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Super job. Looks like ya'll are ready for the season. I especially love the scarecrows and the fact you and hubby both have one.

Have the best weekend!!!