Brian Cronin illustration
Its raining today, and has been, and will be, on and off all week. Personally I love the rain. Nice cool, stormless rain. But we are waterlogged. After all when it rains it pours.
So, I should be cleaning house. bleh. After all I'm only babysitting one kid today, and he's napping... I can't go do the things in the yard or shed I need to do...I'm caught up on Farmtown, Farmville, and other Facebook games...
I'll feel better when I have it done right? Right????
Oh, well, off I go...hi ho, hi ho, its off to (do house) work I go...bleh
So, I should be cleaning house. bleh. After all I'm only babysitting one kid today, and he's napping... I can't go do the things in the yard or shed I need to do...I'm caught up on Farmtown, Farmville, and other Facebook games...
I'll feel better when I have it done right? Right????
Oh, well, off I go...hi ho, hi ho, its off to (do house) work I go...bleh
We will be getting some of yor rain tomorrow and the next couple of days after that. We usually get your Texas weather!! Clean that house!
Cute little illustration. It's a good thing we worked in the yard Sat and Sun, it's poured all day today. At least I got the garden room painted, FINALLY!
Thanks for the nice comment you left on my blog today!! I'm cleaning house today, bleh, bleh and when the baby is napping I'm running into the garage trying to get a craft project done.
Ah you just need to be positive! j/k that statement is fresh in my mind because of the post I just did.
hang in there! And next time send the rain our way, we could use it!
Hi Carla! No rain here but cloudy skies... I like that illustration! Housework! I've been putting off major cleaning...bleh...not easy to get away from the computer or my plants!
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