I treated myself to some new potting soil.
Then I decided who would do best where.
As you can see, some of the house plants weren't doing well at all.
I replaced the soil in the largest pot, and added all these in for these results.
This will be in the living room.

Then I took my overgrown, root bound kitchen window pot, and, replacing the soil, added all these newbies, along with a couple tried and trues.

This is my succulent pot that goes over the kitchen window, I plopped in the old previous photo plants.

This was my kitchen window a year ago...

This is it today. We'll see how well those succulents do up there with not so much light. I also took out the long white pot on the left and watered it well, and hosed off the leaves.

I'm loving this pot, we'll see how well it does so closely planted. Meanwhile it's a showstopper:)

I re potted my Meyer lemon and pernilla (sp?), and added in an eggplant, stevia, pepper plant, and lemon balm. All this will have to come in this winter. Think I might get a bigger pot:) We'll see if the veggies keep producing in my sunny window, and make it til spring:)

Just a few more to prepare, and I'm all ready for frost and freezing weather. Have a great autumn day!!
Your new pot combos are beautiful! Love the kitchen window. I have a shelf by my window which I need to add some plants to. Thanks for the inspiration!
Your pots are looking great. I can't grow diddly inside, not much light, and waaaaay too many pets. For winter, I drag everything into the garage.
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