Today's Show And Tell will be by World Renowned Blog Star Bilbo.
Hello from the Lone Star State, where EVERYTHING, including ant hills, is bigger!!
Fresh from my visit in the state of Florida (state most left bottom of map),
where I partied with Darla of the More Family and Flowers blog,
Texas, the Lone Star State, USofA is a large state with something for everyone.
West Texas has its desert area...
This area is known as the Hill Country, San Antonio, Houston, Austin area.
Austin is the capital, it and west Texas,
is the area most people think of when they think Texas.
Lots of longhorn cows and buffalo.
(Milk cows too, but trust me the fields were so muddy and nasty,
you DO NOT want to see them)
(Milk cows too, but trust me the fields were so muddy and nasty,
you DO NOT want to see them)
Trust me, I don't need a sign to relax and enjoy!!
Almost every town, big or small has its own lake...
Gift time!!
A gentleman always gifts the hostess, and gift I did!!
Thanks to Darla for helping with these treats!!
The first night we gathered around the fire light,
and I told my new friends all about my travels all over the world...
Everyday, I had tea time with the local ladies.
They couldn't get enough of me...
(Ladies, you know you are each so special to me...)
I had the whole guest house to myself...They couldn't get enough of me...
(Ladies, you know you are each so special to me...)
Due to almost non-stop rain, and flooding, and loss of Internet access,
my stay was extended,
and I was upgraded to the castle quarters.
I'll say the castle is the way to go!!
Thank goodness I arrived!!!
These people SO needed my help!!!
I organized the meals-on-wheels...
(had BIG fun hanging out with our helper Kim!!
Kim, love ya girl!!! (said in Tex-speak))

I used my gardening skills to help the lady of the house make much progress on FarmTown and FarmVille...
and I was able to give her valuable info,
and ideas for improvements ...
sorry I won't be there for the final product.
I suggested the blocks were added to the fall decorations,
She is a lovely monarch.
Such beauty and grace.
We discussed world matters.
I know she really has benefited from my wisdom.
Where in the World will Bilbo go next???
This blog post has been reviewed and approved by Queen Uno.
Thank you so much to the Dirt Princess for this!!! So much fun!!! Due to almost non-stop rain, local flooding, and loss of internet (ugh), the Bilbo post was delayed. If you would like this fellow to visit you, say so in your comment and I will draw Sunday, in order to mail out Monday!!
To find out more about Bilbo, check out April, the Dirt Princess, at Trials and Tribulations of a Southern Gardener!!
Have a great weekend!!!!
Go to My Romantic Home for more Show and Tell today:)
Check out Camera Critters to join in or see others:)

Bilbo Rules:
To find out more about Bilbo, check out April, the Dirt Princess, at Trials and Tribulations of a Southern Gardener!!
Have a great weekend!!!!
Go to My Romantic Home for more Show and Tell today:)
Check out Camera Critters to join in or see others:)
Bilbo Rules:
#1) COPY & PASTE these rules into your post on Bilbo if you receive him. The post must be titled WHERE IN THE WORLD IS BILBO: (your city). If everyone copies the rules, then the person you send it to will know what to do. If each post is titled the same, we can keep track of Bilbo and follow him on his adventure. PLEASE do not forget to copy and paste these rules into your post if you receive Bilbo.
#2) In order to participate you MUST leave a comment on the post about Bilbo with the blogger that has him. That blogger will draw names from the people who left comments on that post. Once the winner is selected Bilbo will be on his way to see your garden.
#3) When you receive Bilbo please take a photo (or photos) of him in your garden as well as a photo of yourself with Bilbo.
#4) Rules are linked to . Please leave a comment on The Dirt Princess' page so she can keep track of him and let other bloggers know where Bilbo is, and post where bloggers can see his latest travel.
#5) Please try to get Bilbo out the door as quickly as you possibly can. If at all possible please try not to keep him more than 7 days. We want to get him to as many places as we can in 6 months.
#6) Bilbo will travel for 6 months, April 21, 2009- October 21, 2009. If you have Bilbo at the end of this 6 month time frame, you will ship him back to the Dirt Princess at
#7) When Bilbo arrives back with the Dirt Princess, there will be a great post letting everyone know where Bilbo has been, when he visited as well as links to the bloggers posts that had Bilbo.
#8) There will be a list enclosed with Bilbo for each blogger to sign once they receive Bilbo. That list will be sent back to the Dirt Princess.
#9) Should anyone have any questions please contact Dirt Princess at
#10) The blogger that is has possession of Bilbo is responsible for shipping him to the next blogger. Please handle him with care. He is ceramic.
#11) Bilbo may be shipped to countries outside the United States. We want everyone to join in on the fun!
#12) If you would like to throw in a little something with Bilbo to ship the next blogger, please feel free. Add to the excitement. See what Bilbo brings you when he arrives at your door step.
#1) COPY & PASTE these rules into your post on Bilbo if you receive him. The post must be titled WHERE IN THE WORLD IS BILBO: (your city). If everyone copies the rules, then the person you send it to will know what to do. If each post is titled the same, we can keep track of Bilbo and follow him on his adventure. PLEASE do not forget to copy and paste these rules into your post if you receive Bilbo.
#2) In order to participate you MUST leave a comment on the post about Bilbo with the blogger that has him. That blogger will draw names from the people who left comments on that post. Once the winner is selected Bilbo will be on his way to see your garden.
#3) When you receive Bilbo please take a photo (or photos) of him in your garden as well as a photo of yourself with Bilbo.
#4) Rules are linked to . Please leave a comment on The Dirt Princess' page so she can keep track of him and let other bloggers know where Bilbo is, and post where bloggers can see his latest travel.
#5) Please try to get Bilbo out the door as quickly as you possibly can. If at all possible please try not to keep him more than 7 days. We want to get him to as many places as we can in 6 months.
#6) Bilbo will travel for 6 months, April 21, 2009- October 21, 2009. If you have Bilbo at the end of this 6 month time frame, you will ship him back to the Dirt Princess at
#7) When Bilbo arrives back with the Dirt Princess, there will be a great post letting everyone know where Bilbo has been, when he visited as well as links to the bloggers posts that had Bilbo.
#8) There will be a list enclosed with Bilbo for each blogger to sign once they receive Bilbo. That list will be sent back to the Dirt Princess.
#9) Should anyone have any questions please contact Dirt Princess at
#10) The blogger that is has possession of Bilbo is responsible for shipping him to the next blogger. Please handle him with care. He is ceramic.
#11) Bilbo may be shipped to countries outside the United States. We want everyone to join in on the fun!
#12) If you would like to throw in a little something with Bilbo to ship the next blogger, please feel free. Add to the excitement. See what Bilbo brings you when he arrives at your door step.
We would love to have him visit us. I liked the pic of everyone gathered around the campfire to listen to his tales!
We lived in Alabama for almost a year. Looks similar to where you are. And we traveled through Texas when we moved to Arizona. Fun state.
Anyway, enjoyed your post!
This, my dear Texan neighbor, was the most entertaining show n tell! Not only do I live in the Coastal Bend...but your imagination and thrilling trip through Texas was fun!
Now...enjoy your weekend.
Mine's posted ---
Click Here * a Slideshow
What a great post!! I love that idea, it makes you look in every spot of the photos to see if you can find Bilbo. Great pictures.
I am so glad the locals were kind to him. Seems to me that they really liked him! I know he is going to be so spoiled! I will have to renovate his cottage so it can be in line with a castle! He has been to quite a few castles since he left Alabama (Thanks to Peggy). Wasnt this fun! It is so exciting to see where he goes and what he gets into! Your Bilbo "tag" is on my page, and I have also added you to the right side bar under Where In the World is Bilbo!
Bilbo, Bilbo my sweet Bilbo I am still waiting to see your smiling face in person.. Please oh please come to visit me in Savannah.
What a cute post he looks so happy there he may never want to
Have a great weekend hugs, Cherry
Well, that was quite an experience....very imaginative!!!
Thanks for your comment on my answer to your question about my header, it is an antique French postcard prior to 1903.
Carla; What a great post!! Thanks so much for including the items from Florida!!! Don't put me in the hat...
I so thought Bilbo was done with his travels. Sounds like he's still hard at it! You go Bilbo~
I have almost given up hope to meet this adventurous world traveler in person! He sure gets around...and it looks like he is having a great time doing it!
have a great weekend...I hope he ends up here someday!
Great post!!! Love Bilbo's audience and quarters! And Queen Uno is darling :)
I have had him before, so don't enter me in the drawing.
Hi Carla...
Ohhh my...what fun! I love Bilbo! This is my very first visit to your I wasn't sure in the beginning who or what Bilbo was exactly! Hehe! I definitely agree with Annie (the commentor up above) that this is such an entertaining post!!!
I noticed that Bilbo was sitting on where I lived for 30 yrs. in south Texas. Lived on Lake Corpus Christi about 100 mls. south of San Antonio! I now live in Colorado. Anyway, really enjoyed your post and I must say that Bilbo was such a gracious host! Loved all of your photos too!!! So happy that you got to meet up with a fellow blogger sweet!!!
Warmest wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design
Ooops just lil' ol' me again! Just wanted to say that my grandma had a little sewing rocking chair just like yours! How sweet...sure brought back alot of really fond memories of the times that I spent sewing with my Grandma!!!
We just drove through Texas on our journey to our new home state California where we have now live. We enjoyed it very much! Glad to hear how busy Bilbo has been with traveling it is good to know someone else has been on the road more than I recently ~Blessings Heather :D
Wow! what a well travelled gentleman! I've already shown Bilbo round London, so I just wanted to say hi!
Too funny, that Bilbo sure does get around!
How funny! What a shame a little gold gnome travels more than I do! Have a good weekend!
Looks like he's had a great time and made lots of friends :) I love the campfire picture.
It was interesting getting to learn more about your part of Texas.
My 3 year old recognized Bilbo, he's already been here to visit and she was sad when he left.
I love your Show and Tell! Very cute, and creative! Bilbo is adorable. Thank you for sharing him today!
Sure did enjoy following Bilbo all about!
What a wonderful travel report ! and I discovered a travelling dwarf ! I followed already a travelling elephant who is now in Maryland. There is also a travelling "bra" who did already go around the world.
Love the Queen! Back in the 1960s there was an Air Force base in Amarillo, and we lived there when I was extremely small. The only memory I have of Texas is getting catus thorns in each finger of one hand and Dad having to get them out. Thanks for visiting my blog. I don't know what the dolls' faces are made of.
What a great post.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Keep Scripture around where we can see it is a great way to keep heaven on our mind! Blessings.
That too cute!!! Thanks so much for joining in on Show and Tell with this fun adventure!
It sure looks like Bilbo had a great time visiting and met a lot of fascinating critters during his stay.
Calico Contemplations
Great photostory!
What a guy - turn your back for a moment and look - he's smooching with the ladies already. LOL. Looks like Bilbo is enjoying his visit to Texas.
Hi, Bilbo visited me here in Ireland and I have been following his travels since. I enjoyed the trip around Texas, great post thank you
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