So come, 'To`ur-dea-y`ad' with me, starting on my front deck:)
This is what I see out my front door on our deck.

Left lower pot are the new hibiscus: light green leaf-solid white bloom, tiny Plum Crazy in front, Purple leaf is my reliable Maple Sugar
(the following were taken in full sun, and some what washed out)
This window box has a draping sedum, and tiny Happy yellow daylilies, just added purslane for some color.

This window box has the same draping sedum, a different mounding sedum, and Happy daylilies, and purslane (blooming).
Looking back: Hibiscus pot; tropical pot; new combo germanium pot; big gray pot holding bird of Paradise tree (or pride of Barbados), iris, rosemary and draping white blooming rose; white pot of mint; lemon tree; green pot of rat tail radishes and Swiss chard (moving to the back yard)
The rat tail radish is ready to harvest, you can pick these pods as you go, or harvest all at once by cutting back, I have found a new batch will grow if cut back on new stems. Not on 'old' stems. Since these 'supposedly' like heat, I'm going to see if I can keep the same plants going all summer.
On my steps are asparagus ferns with germanium, Jew, and mystery plants.
I leave you with this photo from this morning...
(more Tour De Yard tomorrow...)
Lovely, just lovely indeed!!! I admire you for the beauty and labor you put into it.
Just love the containers with the Sedum spilling over the sides!
They all look awesome. Hope you share photos of the veggie garden too. Hint. Have a great day.
Carla, everything in your yard looks so cool, wet, and fresh! It almost fools me into thinking it's not scalding hot over there; but it's Texas, it's June, so I KNOW it's hot! I love mystery plants, too; I always have a few coming up in pots here and there!
Oh so beautiful!! What a lovely yard to look at every day!!
Thanks for the charming tour! I especially love that last photo of the dewy white flowers.
that IS just lovely! Oh my goodness. I could never hope to have such goodness in my yard but I do hope to get a couple of things going. MAYBE if I'm successful with those I'll add more. I just might use you as a resource!
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