Our plan is to downsize in the near future. I will have to decide what matters the most, and fits into our new small space.
So why do I keep buying? I love this tea cup planter (featured before), and recently a friend who knows I love frogs found this froggy sugar bowl and creamer couple.
Aren't they adorable?
Darling, just darling.

I can tell you from our move most of what I loved to look at is still in a box packed. You kinds need to have tings around to make you happy. and the frogs job is to remind you to smile. I found with out the kids you still need 3 bedrooms. One for when they come to visit one for your personal space would also be nice.
When we stayed at the 2 bedroom trailer is was great as most things were in storage. The 2nd bedroom was storage and computer. It left no room for company. But it was a content place. other than no yard.
Our daughter loves frogs too. These are adorable, great planter and the candle looks nice burning there. Hope you enjoy it!!! Thanks for sharing.
I am a real packrat, so I know the anguish of trying to downsize and get rid of the "unnecessary" things. Unfortunately, I seem to think it's all necessary; I have a garage and attic that back that up!
Well, those will certainly have to go with you. . . the frogs are too cute!
They are so cute! The candle is a great touch.
The sugar and creamer is very charming. And so is the teacup planter. Thanks for sharing.
Even when we need to down size it's the fun of the buying something new!!!
Let me tell you, I have gotten rid of things every time I move and I have just as much again! It is hard not to have "stuff" that makes you smile around you. Trust me...it will come back!
Very cute!
Thanks for sharing.
Very cute! And they look nice sitting next to the candle and the planter.
Thanks for stopping by my show and tell today. (o:
Very cute. And the candle is beautiful. I imagine it smells wonderful, too.
When we moved eight years ago, the main thing I got rid of was Christmas decorations that I no longer used. Now I have a ton more that I no longer use that need to go as well. I just hope I don't have to move to get motivated.
They are an adorable and devoted couple:) Thanks for much for sharing them!
At least those frogs are small. Furniture is the thing I have a hard time placing when I move. I went from a large condo to a small house and had to give a practically new chair and rocker away.
Very cute frogs. I love the planter!
Cute froggy things! And I LOVE your tea-cup planter. Thanks for showing it again!
The cup planter is adorable! Love it! Jean
Very cute and adorable! My friend would love them. She collects frogs too. thanks for sharing. :o)
Those are really cute. I love all my stuff around! I don't even think about downsizing, I'll let my kids get rid of it all when I'm gone! LOL!
Such sweet little frogs...I love them!
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