I'm joining MsGreen "thumb" Jean for Bloomin' Tuesday! Come join in or see others!
The Valentine's Day moth orchid is all opened and graceful...
Light green new growth on the ZZ plant going to town!
Two week old seedlings-marigold and hibscus or Job's tears
Angel wing begonia showing her silver spots, and kalachoe about to bloom
Three weeks of regrowth for the butterfly pea vine, now has two more growing:)
Look at those butterfly pea vines go!
Also in this pot the purple heart shaped Caroline sweet potato vine is growing well:)
What is that pretty thing to the left of it you ask??? (made ya look:)
WELL, let me tell ya!
I saw this Friday and had to have it, just had to I tell ya!
Please welcome THE New Dutch Anthurium, I just had to have (oh, I already said that)!!!
Now, I just have to figure out how to keep it alive and happy (any info welcome)
Dutch Anthurium bloom:
Outside everything is sprouting:
Here is the little spot I sowed seeds in, these little plants will be moved to the real garden once they are bigger (and we have a real garden;)
First thing planted this on this property. First hole dug (since I'm a lazy, I mean lasagna gardener, I don't usually dig holes)-Carolina Jasmine, since I planted it when it was in bud, in January, I didn't know if it would bloom or not, but you see it is really blooming away:)
I love how sedum comes back looking like little roses (or cabbages)
Happy Bloomin' Tuesday:)
You do, indeed, have a green thumb.
You have a wonderful assortment of plants indoors to keep your thumb green all winter and early spring! Happy Bloomin Tuesday Carla!
Do you think you could post about the butterfly pea vine? I am so curious about it, love the fact that's it's a fast grower. Will you put that outside in the garden?
Carla I love that new Dutch Anthrium it has the coolest leaves.Wish I had some Carolina Jasmine too.I use to and after years it died out I love the smell of the Jasmine.
You've got a lot going on in your garden! It's still waaaaay to early for mine, but it was great looking at all your blooms. Love the sedum -- it's one of the first things to shine around here too. The Carolina Jasmine is wonderful!
If there is 1 thing I can NOT do it is--
grow plants or flowers in doors.
I love the photo of the seedlings, they look like little babies in the nursery.
Tuesday Tidings from Roberta Anne
The orchid and the Dutch Anthuruim are both lovely! Love seeing all this new growth inside and out. Spring is on the way! Great Bloomin' Tuesday post. Jean
Love the orchid. I have never tried to grow them but they always look pretty in the store.
Great looking plants! I can't really have plants in the house because I can't keep the cats away from them.
I'm back on Tuesday as usual! Love the Dutch Anthurium! Can't tell you a thing about it though.
I'm soo soo jealous that you have stuff sprouting outdoors. I can plant seedlings indoors in March, and I'm still pushing it a little with our spring weather.
I know so little about plants and learn so much from you! I think the sedum looks a little like brussel sprouts only much prettier! ;)
When you get a chance, stop over at our home school open house!
I wish I was closer to get some cuttings! BTW I wanted to let you know I deleted most of the Monday post. Thanks for your prayers. We still need much wisdom. Nothing has changed. I will be writing a post tonight about my current thoughts on the subject.
Many Blessings and Hugs,
Don't you love those durable sedums? One of my very favorite plant types. My vines are starting to sprout yellow sunshine too!
Thanks for sharing the pictures. Looking good!
Digging holes is overrated, heh. I planted several fruit trees last week, and my back is still complaining. ;)
Thanks for visiting my blog!
I love all of your plants; they are beautiful!
Thanks for visiting my blog! Come by anytime. :-)
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