Blooming like crazy:)
For Valentine's Day (sweet hubby bought me this at my suggestion-smart fella)
In a week this butterfly pea vine stem has grown to 3ft (see the tiny start from last week in the last picture). This is the second winter I have cut it back and brought it in, its always a BIG surprise to find it growing...
I brought in the wire frame and moved up the sun...
here it is as a little bitty start about a foot tall last Tuesday.
Happy Bloomin' Tuesday!
I'm joining MsGreen "thumb" Jean for Bloomin' Tuesday! Come join in or see others!
Today is overcast and warm, the weather man says we have a potentioal for some rainy storms this evening. We need the rain (been having some wildfire problems in our area), BUT not possible tornado storms! So, in this weather (is it just me, or does it seem a little crazy? Or is this just normal?), stay safe:)
Smart suggestion, I'll say! I hope your butterfly pea bloom profusely...Lovely Blooming Tuesday photos, Carla.
Lovin them all! Carla! Have a wonderful day!
Blessings to you!
Claudia O.
Oh how pretty. I love the blooms.
We almost blew away Sunday night. Did you? I am praying for nice drizzle soaking rain. Hopefully no storms!
butterfly pea vine? Never heard of that. Post when it blooms!!
Always nice to have beautiful blooming plants indoors at this time of the year!
Lovely flowers and thank you for sharing them.
Roberta Anne
Love your blooms. (and your grandkids too!).
I think the weather patterns have just gone crazy these last few months.
Stay safe and warm. Love your Valentine blog design. I chose a traditional red for mine, but I really like your indigo one.
I'm with Darla! Can't wait to see the butterfly pea bloom. What fun to have a plant that grows so fast to watch in winter. Jean
I love your clips from the post below. I have never heard that song. It is so pretty. I love the one where the child is singing. I love to hear kids sing.
You, like my mother, have a green thumb!
yay! My cyclamen also bloomed just in time for Valentines! I'll be posting my photo soon :)
I am so envious. The only thing I can get to grow is my Peace Lily. Every thing else dies on me. My daughter gave me a Poinsetta and well it's a sad story.
You're so lucky to have some blossoms in your home. The cyclamen is beautiful and I love the orchid.
Hi Carla,
I love your cyclamen blooms. I have them growing in my garden and they keep multiply year after year, I just love their colors! I also love your orchid. I just don't have very good luck with orchids!
The butterfly pea vine is going to town! Your hubby did a good job with his picks.
Congradulations on your blooming. Flowers just do not seem to grow for me - of course I forget to water them and by the time I get "around to it" they are already gone. The weather has been strange in my area the last couple of days also. This is still suppose to be winter for us and we have had spring like showers for the last 3 days.
Those are so beautiful! Good job hubby! Enjoy the warm weather.
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