Some Christmas questions! (and ornaments-I love birds in my Christmas tree)
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
2. Real tree or Artificial?
Fake-a real tree is not what I want to spend money on each year
3. When do you take the tree down?
After New Year's Eve-some one once said it was bad luck to take it down sooner, and I'm all about excuses, I mean good luck;)
4. How do you like your eggnog?
Don't like it-yucky stuff
5. Do you have a nativity scene?
YES! Each year I try to by a new nativity ornament, I have my MIL Home Interiors Set (her pride and joy), my grandma's plastic set, and a newer one that goes with my angels
6. When do you put up your decorations?
Right after Thanksgiving
7. Favorite Christmas Movie?
ALL! Especially what I watched as a child
8. When do you start shopping for Christmas?
The day after Christmas:), but always end up last minute shopping too
9. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?
Good idea;)
10. Lights on the tree?
This year hubby decided on not blinking white
11. Favorite Christmas song (s)?
Away In A Manger (LDS Children's version), actually I like them all
12. Angel on the tree top or a star?
We used to have an angel, but one year I decided we needed a star, so star it is, currently:)
13. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?
Morning, then off to mom's for lunch and more opening
14. Most annoying thing about this time of the year?
Rude shoppers
15. Favorite ornament theme or color?
Nativities, I realized I really didn't have many on the tree (also birds, purple things, and frogs)
16. What do you want for Christmas this year?
Nice weather (I'm getting family time, so I don't have to wish for that:)
17. Favorite thing about Christmas?
Going to my mom's and soaking up the family spirit:)
18. What decoration do you put on your door?
A wreath covered with plastic ornaments (thank you Martha Stewart:)
19. What strange gift have you bought this year?
I'm buying hubby a body length pillow, we have a tug-a-war over pillows, and I told him if they come out with body length pillow cases I'll get him one. That was years ago, so he'll be surprised:)
20. Do you buy Christmas stuff the day after?
YES! Especially decorations
Now it's your turn---leave me a comment answering one of your favs or repost all your answers.
Feel free to use-and let me know so I can visit:)!
This was fun!
Yeah, I'll repost this on my blog.
Thanks for the prayer for my Mom...she is getting better!
Full pillow case will be easy to make...any material of the color you want and just make a sack to fit. An old sheet is good and you can make a pair to change out.
Great post!! I like to read these. Hope you have a great day. Julie
It was so fun to learn more about you! I also try to pick up things the day after Christmas (wrapping paper, tags, etc.) and I'm pretty much done shopping by Halloween. Our income drops too low in the winter to try to shop later. I'll have to try and do this later!
This was a fun way to get to know you...my favorite decorations are anything "gingerbread"...I've been obsessed for years! My favorite christmas song is Away in a Manger the LDS version too!
Loved reading this...
And you should feel happy you don't like egg nog- I do, and it's starting to show! ;)
I love reading these--should do one once--hmmmmm...
# years ago I found an Angel Moroni tree topper and it is now one of my fav things of all time--
Wow! Those birdies look great on the tree. So neat. What a fun post today!
I love you bird under #11. What a wonderful post.
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