Saturday, November 14, 2009

Camera Critters: Fat Cat

Froggee is not as fat as she looks, check out how she's sitting.
Silly kitty...

Did you know that Sesame Street is 40 years old?
I'm 43 and grew up with Sesame Street.
Says a lot.
(You read between the lines:)

Check out Camera Critters to join in or see others:)
Camera Critters


Anya said...

I also grow up with Sesam street

You are not fat my sweety
You are BEAUTIFUL :-)

(I am fat my weight is 6000gr :(
Kareltje =^.^=

Marie said...

Ha, ha, ha, silly cat :-) She looks lovely. Sesame Street, absolutely my favourite 40 years ago. I´m also in the lovely age of 43. Have a nice weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Froggee is a cute kittie.

Anonymous said...

meowww!!! what a cute cat!

Martha said...

what a sweet cat!


Snap said...

Froggee is gorgeous and I think all kitties have a silly streak! Fun at Seasame Street.


What a beautiful tortoiseshell calico girl she is!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Look at those eyes, so cute!

MY Camera Critters

Jane said...

its funny the way cats sit, she is a beautiful Tortie though-thanks for sharing:)

Dianne said...

your cat is a beauty!!
love her pattern

Sesame Street is a wonder

Carmat said...

What unique coloring on that kitty, beautiful, thanks for sharing

Gail said...

Looks similiar to Garfield in some shots.

i beati said...

whata grorgeous truly unique cat sandy

Kerri Farley said...

Sweet Kitty!! Love her fur!!

Chie Wilks said...

oh..she is lovely and yes, silky

mine is here

Smalltown RN said...

I love the photo of you cute.....and yes Sesame Street is 40 years old...well I am 48 I totally remember Sesame Street being one of my all time favourite shows as a youngster.....

nonizamboni said...

Love these photos --and the Muppets.I've seen my cat in this position at least once a day and ask her the same question, "Do you see yourself?!"
Thanks for making me smile today!

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

Froggee is one pretty lady.

ladyviral said...

Happy Birthday Sesame Street!


Wow your cat looks like a heap of fur at a glance! Cute!

Nola said...

She's a beauty! Is that where you got the name Froggee for your farm?
I am only allowing myself one day a week to read blogs, so gotta get all caught up today!