...I saw my dear friends I babysit for, as they redicated their wedding vows (at the Temple), where there was much smiling and twirling...
...I saw sweet hubby was along for the ride...
...I heard, and turned to see giggling grands...
...I saw my girls enjoying playing with the most simple wooden nativity, which cost me only $1...
...I saw sweet grands, feeling thankful that I am able to stay at home and, sometimes have them stay the night, I saw their sweet sleeping faces, heard their sweet sleeping snores...
...I saw that the abundance of Christmas things was (finally) taken out to the shed (thanks Elders)...
...I realized that I awake in my warm bed in my warm house...
...I realized that we have plenty of food, that 1 yo-2 yo-3 yo-4 yo, who are not related, enjoy each other so much, and I them...
...I saw that my grandchildren love something as simple as my old garden clogs...
...I see that this mistake, out of focus, blurry pic is kind of cool...
...I see my warm coat, that my hubby insisted I get...
...I see that Miss Reba Marie has minded her 'inside' manners, and is well on her way to becoming the inside doggy my hubby wants her to be...

...I see that this big pot of tropical things fits in this spot, that the trash lid works great for a saucer, I see spring will soon be here, and it will be going back outside soon...
...I see that when I over water, my kitties and doggies take care of it for me...
...I see snuggly kitties on cold days all tucked in...
I see that Taylor is healing well after his accident...
I see that the auto insurance is covering his medical bills...
I saw that DJ dropped the grands off, and we visited a bit...
I saw that Misty picked them up, and we visited a bit...
I see that Mike found a safe place to move...
I see that the ice storm passed us by for the most part...
I see the ice lightly covering the ground...
I see my neighborhood is a striking shade of winter gray...
And I think to myself...
What a wonderful world...
I find that negative things, voices, attitudes can't bring me down when I appreciate what I have now. Counting my MANY Blessings...
I pray for those affected in this weather. As beautiful as it is, it is so dangerous. Stay warm, stay safe...
Thanks for sharing your heart blessings.
Carla those pix are so sweet thanks for sharing them!
I am so glad Taylor is doing better. I love you post in photos. I did not realize Reba is the name of both your dog and my cat. I have been thinking of learning more about your religion. And seeing if we have a church like that here. I love the photos of every one in white, the are amazing.
I am so thankful you are my friend. Big hug.
What a super sweet post. Love it!
that's a very nice post in photos :) Thank you for sharing.
This is an awesome post with some great pictures. Thank you so much for sharing them, I smiled all the way down. Have a wonderful day.
Love the doggie drinking from the plant saucer. My pets will drink from anything they can find before using their own water bowl.
I love that song, it is so simple, yet beautiful.
I see the many blessings through the precious pictures and words you shared! Awesome post! Happy Thankful Thursday!
I am sure you didn't mean to make me cry but the sweet simplicity and love in your post just made the water works start leaking.
Roberta Anne
There is so much to be thankful for...thanks for the great reminder! Kim
It's the things we take most for granted that are the true blessings in our lives Carla. You are very blessed!
Carla, I enjoyed catching up on your blog. You truly do have many blessings. I like your attitude :-)
Lovely photo tour of blessings,
Thanks for sharing.
Gratitude is wonderful. What a sweet post. What temple did they go to? I have been to the one in Austin? I think---last September. It was beautiful. Have great day. Julie
I showed Aaron the damage that your son did to his brothers really NICE car! Wow! That made Aaron feel a whole lot better. LOL! Glad yours is OK too.
You have so many wonderful things to be thankful for. Little things mean so much in our lives.
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