Last night, I found my sweet Si wounded in her pen.
We think a stray jumped the little fence and was after her food.
Her mate, Chico had kept barking like mad until we came outside.
Had he not alerted us, she would have suffered alone all night.
This morning the vet said that not only would she loose at least one eye, but she probably had 'shaken-puppy syndrome' and major spinal damage.
So, I let her go.
A needless death.
I know dogs earn their reward.
I know dogs will be resurrected like everything else.
I know she's 'just a dog'.
And I know I am going to miss my friend.
~First day~

Sisi-esta-born 03/07
Blessed my home from 05/07 til 01/12/09
Small and agreeable
Kind and loyal
Pretty pretty little girl!
Thank you for the time we had.
In 1909, Presidents Joseph F. Smith, John R. Winder, and Anthon H. Lund, stated: “God … organized the earth, and all that it contains. … He made the tadpole and the ape, the lion and the elephant; but He did not make them in His own image, nor endow them with Godlike reason and intelligence. Nevertheless, the whole animal creation will be perfected and perpetuated in the Hereafter, … and will enjoy ‘eternal felicity.’ ”
(See Improvement Era, November 1909, page 81.)
In the October 1928 general conference, President Joseph Fielding Smith said: “Death is not the end, neither of man nor of the earth. … The Lord intends to save … not only man … but all things which he has created. The animals, the fishes of the sea, the fowls of the air, as well as man, are to be re-created, or renewed, through the resurrection, for they too are living souls.”
(See Conference Report, October 1928, pages 99–100.)
I'm so sorry for your loss. {{{HUGS}}}
I hope you feel better soon--pets are such a part of the family. hugs--Julie
Carla, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know she was not "just a dog". She was part of your family. A hug and prayers your way. Chico is grieving too and a pat and prayer for him.
I have yet NOT to ache and mourn one of my critters deaths. I am so sorry you had to lose her this way. I love the 2 quotes you posted--I am not famliar with them--will have to keep them handy--here on Naoh's Ark we have more than our share.
Oh dear i am so sorry about the loss of your lil Si
I'm so sorry to hear about Si. Please keep a close watch on Chico in case that stray returns!
I am so sorry for your loss. This month is the one year anniversary of our little dachshund's passing away. She was with us for 14 1/2years and we still miss her very much. At least she shared your love and was happy the time she was with you.
All Dogs Go To Heaven!
I am so sorry to hear about your loss!
Carla.. I'm so sorry for your familys loss.
~Blessed Hugs...
I am so sorry to hear this sad news...(((HUGS)))
Big hug Carla, I feel your pain. I wish I could help relieve it. But only time will. Remember Ecclesiastes There is a time for every thing and it was her time. It was short but well spent being loved by you and your family.
I have had to let 4 loved cats go. And felt the pain of loss and guilt of decision to let them go. Bear was 18 Gracy 12. Candy 15. My heart was crushed. Last year I save a cat from abuse to have to let her go because she was not savable. I pray my words do not hurt you more. As I want you to know I care about you. Another hug. I am sorry she is gone.
I am sorry for your loss and yes dogs are in heaven with us.
Roberta Anne
I am so sorry for your loss. I don't even want to think of how I would feel if I lost my little "oliver". (my toy yorkie)
Thank goodness you got to her early and she didn't have to suffer alone!! Just think she is waiting by the front door of your mansion in heaven.
Oh I'm so sorry for your loss!!! That is terrible. I hope that you find comfort in the time you had with her.
Poor little thing! Hugs to you!
"Needless death" was what struck my heart most. What a shame. Pets are such wonderful companions and it's never easy to say goodbye. Hope your heart heals soon.
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