I didn't do it Sunday, and Monday I spent mourning my doggie. My sweet husband was so there for me, and I'm so thankful. (to you to Mike and Tay for your kindness toward our hurt Si, and with your old weepy mom). Thank you all for your kind words, they soothe my heart. Yesterday was a beautiful weather day, and I spend most of it piddling in the yard, moving a little dirt, sorting through the stuff pile. Just soaking up the sun. Good therapy.

The Love Dare
I can't tell you what great stuff is in this book, two or three pages of easy to read information, challenge, and room to record the journey.
DAY THIRTEEN: Love fights fair
"If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand."
Mark 3:25
CHALLENGE: Talk with your spouse about establishing healthy rules of engagement. If your mate is not ready for this, then write out your own personal rules to 'fight' by. Resolve to abide by them when the next disagreement occurs. {results tomorrow-think I'll write out my own first, then 'edit' them if hubby is willing.}
DAY TWELVE: Love lets the other win.
"Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others."
Philippians 2:4
CHALLENGE: Demonstrate love by willingly choosing to give in to an area of disagreement between you and your spouse. Tell them you are putting their preference first. {I will do this during the next disagreement-probably when hubby gets back in town Thurs, or maybe tonight on the phone-disagreeing is easy:}
DAY ELEVEN: Love cherishes
"Husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies."
Ephesians 5:28
CHALLENGE: What need does your spouse have that you could meet today? Choose a gesture that says, "I cherish you" and do it with a smile. (this I did without meaning to! Woohoo!!!)

I DARE you to go love someone-even if they aren't very 'lovely'
Love it!
Loved your personal dare for us to love some-one. Thanks for sharing. btw wasn't it great it was warm enough to dig in the dirt! I got to do that Sat. Can't wait till spring. I am dreaming of planting!
Have a Blessed week.
Oh I agree i LOVED your dare!!! I just read your profile and there is No way...you dont look a day over 25...
I have done this for years. that may be why we have been married 28 and known each other 33 years.
I would just keep my moth shut and let him think he was right. Then do it my way when he was not looking. Now his judgment can be way off. So conflict is a new issue for me. I will not allow the wrong thing be done now. This angers him. But it is my turn to rule. If I have to do every thing he needs to get over it like I did.
The lemon video carried a message that so far I am the only one to see. We feed on bitterness and learn to except it as part of our life. We feed it to our kids and they follow in our foot steps. When really we have a choice to not eat a lemon. How do you like my words of wisdom. My brain is finally working on a positive note again.Thanks be to God for he showed me the way.
I do not share my religious ways in public. But I hope you don't mind me sharing them on your post.
Letting the other "win" is sometimes very hard to do. I am the type of person that always has to have the last word. I have been praying for the knowledge and strength to hold my tongue. Thanks for sharing more of the love tips.
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