Down came the 'death trap' broken steps...
Up went sturdy temporary backdoor stairs made of scrap wood...
And for this old fella...

A super sturdy ramp, Mellow is doing so well learning to go up them...
And since I'm bragging, I mean sharing, Miss Reba is doing so well letting me know when she needs to go out.
She has been in for almost a week, off the lead, out of the washroom, loose in the house, and what a good girl.
Upon seeing my new steps and ramp, the girls I babysit said "Ms Carla, your new porch is beau-te-full". I see sturdy, they see pretty...ah to be 3 & 4 yo old:)
When my chihuahua died earlier this month, she was my baby, hubby asked if I wanted another, I told him I could just love Reba. Reba has really enjoyed the freedom. What a fun girl. Not the same as my SiSi, but a fun good girl never the less, love the one your with, right?
Thanks to hubby for the safe steps and ramp:)
Happy Show and Tell Friday!!!

What cute dogs you have. They are probably so spoiled...but who cares, you only live once.
Sweet pictures, Carla!
New steps are great! Hubby has not added the porch on the back where my French doors are, and I fell out them 4 ft to ground.
Ahhh...cute poochies. Nice steps too-looks like you needed them for a while-which always is the case around here.
What a sweet baby Reba is! Congrats on the steps!!! That is so great!
Awwwwwwwwwwwww, sweet, sweet dogs. And how wonderful for them to have their own ramp now.
A great job on the steps too.
Excellent show n tell. Mine's posted, I do hope you can stop by and visit with me sometime today. Happy Friday.
The steps look good and safer.
Death trap, it reminded me of the gallows! Ha Ha! I love your hounds! When I was a kid my best friend had 2 and they were a hoot! My SIL just lost her beloved Buffy about a month ago and her Hub surprised her with not 1 but 2 new puppies! Yeah, it was a surprise alright! I think she's coming around!
Glad you got the new steps. And Miss Reba is adorable.
Reba looks happy! Like you header photo, great words of wisdom!
Thanks, Candy
Awww cute dogs!!! And great job hubby!!
Kathy :)
How sweet to think of the doggie and build a special ramp. Sorry you lost your chihuahua, but you are right, you can just spread the love around to all the other pets.
Good to know you are on a stable footing now with the new steps! So sorry to hear you lost your little chihuahua...I lost my first Sheltie 8 years ago, it's never easy. Ms. Reba is precious. Blessings...~CC
Glad you have secure steps now and glad you shared pictures of your sweet dogs with us. :o)
The steps look beautiful to me but I love rustic country the best.
Have a Great Friday!
Roberta Anne
We are blessed to have these "handy" hubby's!!! He did a great job!!!! I know I really appreciate mine and am so glad he is getting his full strength back.
yay that the new temporary stairs are in and how wonderful that there is a ramp for Mellow. I see lots of gray/white on the muzzle. He must be a senior dog :0).
I'm so sorry to hear that you recently lost your sweet furbaby. I lost my eldest furbaby just before Christmas, so I know how much your heart must ache for her. Sweet Reba is beautiful. I just love bassetts and those ears and eyes that just look at you and seem to say "love me!". Hugs and I hope you have a most enjoyable day!
Your dogs are so cute!!! Love'em! I am sure your ramp makes things a lot easier for everyone. Great post - thanks for sharing.
You are always welcome in The Shadow of the Cross. Feel free to stop in anytime.
New steps are a good thing--- and even a ramp for the dog--so nice!
Your dogs are so cute:)
Linda C
I'm glad you remembered the little ones when you redid the stairs. Thanks for sharing. Happy Show and Tell Day!
Your dogs are just gorgeous - and what a great job on the ramp!! Very talented!
Have a very happy weekend - blessings to you all!
Aww, what sweet little pups! Congrats on the new steps -- especially doing it yourselves. That's unfortunately way out of my league.
And thank you so much for visiting me yesterday on my SITS day! It was so much fun, and I loved seeing all the comments everyone left. I hope you enjoyed your stay and that you come back to visit again soon!
Your new steps are very nice...and safe! And I just LOVE your cutie pie dogs, how adorable! :-)
How wonderful to get things done. Hubby is good. I am glad you are happy with Reba. It will take time. But some day another will steal your heart like Crash did on mine. I am glad he did. I love him and Reba.
Big hug.
I am going to do a post to see if any one has ideals on what to do between Texas and Tenn.
I know we will drive through Louisiana too late for Martygraw. Miss.& Georgia.
Your DH is a sweetie. Lucky girl! And Miss Reba looks gorgeous. Just went through your older posts too and loved your family pics. Such a pleasure viewing your 'family time' photos.
If only we all had the heart of a four-year-old! They find beauty in the simplest things! I'm glad that you have new sturdy steps. I have some deferred maintenance that needs to be done around here but guess it will have to wait for warmer/drier weather!
So good to get rid of the rotten steps. So the new steps are temporary... that means another project in the works.
Beautiful dogs!
How wonderful! Your doggie friends are so cute!
Miss Reba is adorable!
Cute doggies!!!!!
The death trap photo made me smile! And your dogs are beautiful. I'm sorry about your chihuahua. That must have been very sad...We watched the movie Marley and Me Christmas week. I cried bad ...I think I'll be a basket case when it's time for my Jake to go...
I love this dog and his big eyes I have labs myself and one little mini doberman pincher. Thanks for visiting my blog
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