Thursday, January 8, 2009

Show & Tell: Progress: Pot rack

Tater-baby (my youngest) asked what do I blog about,

"Progress" I said, "I blog about progress"

My sweet hubby bought this at a SUPER discount last year for our new home (because of the lack of cabinets, and we have always wanted one.)
Taylor-is it possible your are ACTUALLY looking at the directions????
Actually he's just looking at the pictures-what a GUY!
(Check out the beat up box, THAT happened in storage)

Down came the clock (moved to another side of the room:)

TA-DA!!! They took the lights out of the pot rack to use over the island later. It also leaves more room for pots and pans. (need me some more hooks:)
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Wasted wall space is now 'productive' storage space! I call that progress!!!
Show and Tell
My Husband Rocks and Love Dare post below:


Julie said...

Thanks for your nice comment on my blog. Sometimes we forget we DO get done and dwell on what gets left UNDONE!! Thanks....Julie

Julieann said...

I have always wanted a pot rack--You lucky Ducky:) It looks great!

Happy show and Tell!


Rhonda said...

Pot racks are SO cool! I want one but my ceiling is so vaulted that it'd be wierd, I think, in my kitchen. But I'd have to replace my outdated lighting first anyhow....first things first, yaknow. lol

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Yahoo! Pot racks are cool! I've always wanted but quite honestly I've absolutely no where to put one.
I hope you enjoy yours. It looks great!

Tara Bennett said...

I love the pot rack! And I love the qutoe up in your header too. =)

Grammy said...

How wonderful. I always wanted a pot rack too. But never had a place to hang one. Have a great day.

Gail said...

I have only had a love of pot racks. I bought one two years ago and it still resides in its wrappings.
I am going to get creative and find a place to hang that baby. Trouble is, over the stove they would be covered with mess and I have a stove hood there. Any suggestions?

Schotzy said...

What a great idea, and sweet hubby! I love the pot rack! I wish I had room for one! Happy Friday!

LBP said...

I love that pot rack!



FeeBeeKay said...

Progress indeed!! And a guy reading instructions - how did you manage to train these guys so well!! Really love your post - as always!


Lora @ my blessed life said...

I love pot racks! Maybe one day I'll have a spot for one:)

Ingrid said...

Wow ! what a clever invention !!

Anonymous said...

Great use of space! I've always wanted a pot rack!

SmilingSally said...

Some handy men you've got there. Thanks for sharing.

Kelly said...

Love the pot rack!! You have a wonderful family!! Thanks for stopping by!! You are welcome anytime!! Blessings!

Linda C said...

I like your pot rack.

I've often wondered if I am too short for one- 5'3"?? They see so convenient:)

Linda C

Pink Slippers said...

Wow....I like it! It even looks good besides being useful.

Lisa Cobler said...

We thought about getting a pot rack but at 5'2 it would have to hang awful low for me to reach it. Yours looks great!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Love the pot rack. I have always wanted one, but my hubs is so tall...I would never be able to reach them! Have a wonderful weekend!

playsdolls said...

Wish I had a pot rack like that.I am getting new cabinets so maybe I could ask for a pot rack to go with the new cabinets.

Missy Wertz said...

Oh I like that! Very nice!

Zaroga said...

Wow... your husband does rock.

Wonderful use of space... ah space I wish my kitchen had some :-)

Kathi said...

Now I call that progress. Way to go Carla. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Have a great weekend. Kathi

Jean said...

Great idea! It looks super! Jean

Baba said...

Hi Carla, your pot rack looks great!! It gives you more space to store other things in cabinets...My husband never reads the instructions that come with an item...thanks for your visit to my place today.. Baba

Lisa Loo said...

Yes he does!! LOVE it!

Belinda said...

The pot rack is great...what a wonderful solution for adding more storage space! :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment

The pot rack looks great

Heidi Pocketbook said...

Looks good! You are so fortunate having a high enough ceiling to suspend it from.

Thanks for stopping by to see me!

Anonymous said...

How nice to have your pots where you can get to them easily. Great Job!!!

Brenda Pruitt said...

I have always longed for a pot rack. Never had the space or appropriate arrangement for it though. I like yours.

Jadehollow said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog and for the wonderful comment you left. Hmmmm a pot rack.. I can see my husbands to-do list getting longer. Thanks for sharing.
~Blessed Hugs...

Alice said...

i have always loved pot racks in a kitchen. yours look lovely. and, your husband did an awesome job! thanks for sharing :).

You are always welcome at The Shadow of the Cross. Feel free to visit anytime.

Shauna said...

Awesome :)

Little GrumpyAngel said...

Way cool! I love pot racks! Too bad my kitchen is not designed to have one.

P. said...

Progress indeed.
And your clock is so nice.


Unknown said...

Great progress, and at least your dh admits that instructions exist...even if only for the pics!

Jules said...

Awesome! I have always wanted one of those, but I'll probably wait a few years until we remodel our kitchen one day. Thanks for sharing! :o)

AP Mommy said...

Very fun! My kitchen isn't laid out well for one - and I'm short so not ideal :) But I love them in other people's places.