So, hi ho hi ho, to Lowe's we must go...
Sweet hubby worked in the dark and got it done!
Since I love the front door open-BUT not the bugs-I'm in heaven:)
He also put up two screens on the windows. Thanks babe!
Candid Carrie's

My Husband Rocks and Love Dare post below:
I'm so happy for you. Since we put are screen doors in I can not tell you how many times my poor hubby had to re-do them because of little people in our house breaking and ripping the screen.
Oh Yeah! I wish my honey were more of a handyman!
Your husband does ROCK!
Good hubby! Yea. Love the new door. Are your freezing or warn down there. We survived the wind. Bur burr. We are at 65 inside. -5 out side. I am glad we have a propane heart to go with the electric base boards.
What a great job Hubby did! Looks great.
I'm guessing you are in a warm climate too! : )
Screen doors are nice to have.
How nice!! great job!
Your Husband does ROCK!!!
Your Husband does ROCK!!!
yay! Glad he got the screen door. I know I enjoy opening the doors too and with the weather we've been having lately, I'm taking advantage of having "an open door".
Your hubbs rocks!
enjoy your day!
Yay for handy husbands! :D
And I just scrolled down and read your whole post below, too...
I absolutely loved it...such wonderful little blessings to be thankful for and your post was beautiful!
AND...we are doing the Love Dare too!
Well, not every day and in fact we took almost a month off during Christmas but we hope to do the next dare in the coming week. It has been such a blessing to us! (And I think we're on around day 14 too!) :)
That is so great. we went for years without a screen door on the front. The door was over sized and it had to be special ordered! It was so wonderful to get it installed to let in the air and the light! Your hubby does rock!
Yay!!!!!! And a job well done too.
My Show n Tell...I felt kind of BLUE today. Come by if you can, I'd love to have your company.
Those storm doors are great! We had one put on as soon as we moved here.
Yes, new doors up! Tell your hubby to come light a fire under mine! lol I might get some walls back up!
I love it when the hub does something handy and it's a nice job in the end. cool!
LOVE that door! isnt it just the simple things in life like this...what a sweet hubby you have...mine needs a fire lit under his heiny fer sure....
I do hope you do not experience anything close to a lifestyle collapse. I do agree that screened windows and doors are almost as wonderful as the husbands who make them possible. Enjoy living bug-free!
Wow! Lucky you! Your husband rocks!!
Yippee for great hubbies who work in the dark to make us happy!
Roberta Anne
Love the screens-hate the bugs. But no worries about bugs where I live right now:)
Your hubby did a great job!
Linda C
Ooooh! Lucky you! I'm screen-doorless at the moment, but since it's 18 degrees out I don't mind so much! Come April I'm sure I'll be adding this to the Honey-Do List though.
So happy your David Bowman print came! Have a beautiful weekend~! ♥ Hugs!
It's the little things that mean the most, and I'm glad your dh was able to get your screens up. I'm glad you're somewhere warm that you can use them :)
Carla, your husband truly does rock. I read the post before this too. Your husband was really there for you... wonderful!
What a great husband you have, he really does rock!
Screen doors are great, there is nothing worse than those pesky flies and mosquitoes geting inside.
Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving such a lovely comment. I'm doing the love dare challenge also.
Have a great week.
Oh, and I forgot to thank you for the sweet comment on my blog! I replied to your "so tidy" comment, btw! ;)
What would we do without our hubbies? I would be so lost!
Having a sweetie around who is a good handyman is priceless, isn't it? He did a great job with your projects. :-) I say keep him!
How great to be married to a handy man. Thanks for sharing.
What a sweet hubby.
(About the Bob Hope/Lucy movies they did four. Sorrowful Jones, Fancy Pant's, Critics Choice and The Fact's of Life. The last two are my favorites but there all good.)
You and your hubby did a great job on that door! My husband is a handy man too and he's so good at it! I just love having him around! :)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Your husband did a wonderful job, Carla!
Great job on the door and windows! A storm door was one of our first projects when we moved into our house.
It is so good to get those special home improvement projects done.
Carrie - Oak Rise Cottage
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