Friday, September 18, 2009

Show & Tell: Loving Mike McGrath

Once, many years ago, I started treating myself to an gardening magazine when I went to the grocery store.
Money was tight then, and this was a big treat:) Texas Gardener, Mother Earth News, Southern Living and Organic Gardening we my favorites.

The editor of Organic Gardening was Mike McGrath, and I lived for his real life comments and articles.
He was TOO funny and so real!!!

Then they changed editors.
Still a great mag, but not as cool, for sure.

In one of Mike McGrath's articles, he mentioned harvesting alley trees to burn as firewood in his home.
I was wowed!! What trees were these?
He mentioned a book, with Robert Rodale, and himself, about a plan to stop world famine.
I was so interested I cut out the article so I could look for the book in 1/2 price book stores.
Then I lost it.
Had the stacks magazines, but no article because I had removed it.
On my own I checked bookstores for every Rodale Press book looking for this one.
No luck.

MANY years pass, and I have this great idea to google McGrath.
Found him!!
He has a radio show up north where he lives. (which I can't get)
I emailed him.
He not only emailed me right back, but knew exactly what trees, AND the title of the book:) From there I went to and found one for $4.00 total, including shipping and handling.
Robert Rodale didn't want it published under his publishing company, which is why I couldn't ever find it.
I received it Wednesday, and can't wait to just lay in bed and read it cover to cover!!!
What an easy, real, logical read!!
Thank you Mike!!!!
The tree? Locust, the book? "To Save Three Lives" Robert Rodale.
(I'm going to review it on here later)

And since I was shopping, I bought:
Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood (Fay & Fay): I have read this before and I love it, I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a realistic, easy, fun way to parent. I will be giving these to my now grown children as they have kids of their own.
Now Let Us Praise Great Men (Agee & Evans): Deep, this one will take some quiet time to read.
The Work And Glory Vol 1 (Lund): I have this whole set, but needed to replace vol 1. If you want to read a great Historical Fiction about the early Mormons, this is the best series out there. I'm feeling the need to re-read it!! Lund has a new book out that is on my want list:)
A Course In Miracles: This is the coolest thing!! All about God, Jesus, and living positively what you know and love!! Year long study, and I am loving it:)
Generous Women (Hamner): Easy fun read
Inside the Secret Garden (Collins & Eriksson): This is so cool! I would be great for mom's with girls who love the Secret Garden. Info, crafts, and recipes inside.

I love to read, and see some nice quiet time in my future:)

Have a great weekend!!!!
Show and Tell


Jacque said...

Thank you for all of the great suggestions. I am going to head over to and check them out!

Elena said...

That is so cool that you found the book! Isn't the internet just wonderful? Have a great weekend and happy reading!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

You showed some great sounding books. I know my Granddaughter woould love reading the early history of the Mormons. She is LDS. Enjoy your reading.


Cindy said...

What awesome books to check out.

Mrs.T said...

Looks like you have some good reading ahead. I especially like the look of the Secret Garden book. It reminds me of some Anne of Green Gables treasuries I have seen... I think possibly by the same authors.

Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my kitchen table too. Stop in any time!

God bless,

The Old Parsonage said...

What a great selection,thanks for the recommendations.


Dianne said...

What an interesting story! Glad Mike got back to you-very nice!
I think that is a good internet story. Facebook has helped me connect with almost 100 former classmates from high school-and we graduated over 32 yrs ago! We are all wishing each other a happy 50th (me in Nov.)I believe we had 486 in the class.
Thanks for dropping by my blog too.

Gail said...

A treasure trove!

Ingrid said...

I love to read too and have probably "devored" thousands of books during my life, but I don't know any of them. It's not so long ago I started to read in English, but english books are hard to find here, they are all in french !

Ginger said...

What a lovely assortment; have nice quiet times.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh the Secret Garden is my most faved book of all times. I truly believe it sparked the illness I proudly admit today. The OCFD (Obsessive Compulsive Flower Disorder)I term it. I planted every seed I could find as a child. Today Hubby has enlarged our yard (for the third time)to a full acre so I can create my dream of flower gardens.

Books are great and reading takes our mind beyond its limits. Thanks for sharing and have a fantastic weekend full of great reading!!!

Debbie said...

I bet it was like Christmas when that Amazon box came!

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Carla...

Just wanted to stop by and say thank you for leaving me such a sweet note on my autumn snippets post! So nice to have you come by and so very nice to meet you, my friend!

Girl, I'm just so happy for you! Finding that book after waiting so many years for it! And just $4 for it...they do say that good things come to those who wait! Hehe! It sounds like an interesting book...I had never heard of it before! Thanks for all the suggestions of great books to read!!!

Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!