Friday, September 25, 2009

Sharry Baby (Orchid) Is A Bloomin'!!

I bought my Sharry Baby Orchid with one spike.
Since then it has put another spike out under my care (insert big smile here).
Now she be a bloomin'!!

This orchid blooms on the 'spikes'.
This orchid, also is a beginner orchid (although I have managed to kill one before).
I said 'no more' but caved and ordered this beauty off of Ebay.
I moved her from the bathroom, where she gets perfect light, to the living room so I can admire her.
We will see how the lighting in the living room works.
I switched her from a bark potting mix, which I never can tell if I'm watering enough, or too much, to clay pellets.
Its called Semi-Hydro.
She was root bound (see below left), but because I didn't want to shock the plant and mess up the upcoming blooms, I just stuffed it all in the new pot as is.
After the blooms are done, I'll take her out, loosen up those tightly wound roots, remove ALL of the left over bark, and repot in my clay pellets.

She really seems to be doing great!!
Fat 'bulbs' are desired, and let you know if your orchid is getting enough water.
My Sharry has some lovely fat blubs:)
She has also put on some new growth since I got her (insert another BIG smile here).

First bloom of my Onc. Sharry Baby 'Sweet Fragrance'
Its about the size of a nickel, and hopefully the first of many along the spike!!
(I'm working on figuring out when is the best time to photograph it:)


Have a great weekend!!!!
Show and Tell


Darla said...

Just tell me this....Is there any plant that you cannot grow?

SmilingSally said...

You must be so proud. I had a friend give me an orchid once. She said that it was the easiest thing to grow. I killed it!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Oh, I do love orchids and this one is beautiful!

Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving your comment. I have enjoyed your show and tell as well... and seeing the great pics of you dear family!

Kindly, ldh

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Orchids are so beautiful. I was a teeneager in the 50's and if you were given an Orchid corsage from your date it was extra special. Prom time would come and all the lucky girls would have orchids. I remember my favorite corsage was an Orchid wrist corsage.


The Old Parsonage said...

Congrats! I killed the only one I ever had. It was beautiful while it lasted.


Cindy said...

That's neat! I can't grow anything inside the house. I don't have the touch. Great post.

Ginger said...

It's beautiful.

Ingrid said...

You must have a green thumb !

Kym-Anne said...

Hi Carla,
Your Sharry Baby (love the name!) is just beautiful.

I had a cymbidium orchid once, I bought it while it was in flower. It looked lovely but I managed to kill it. A green thumb I'm not...LOL

Have a great weekend

Unknown said...

Your orchid is beautiful! I'm yet to become orchid-friendly despite trying hard! One variety is in its dying stage. Your post is inspiring.

Have a great Sunday!