Tuesday, September 15, 2009

BT&OW: 09/15/09

We have had rain, glorious rain!!
Amazing how things come to life after a good rain.
My front deck plants are happy, happy, happy!!!

Pride of Barbados is fixing to bloom:)

My tropical Jasmine was full of buds, but the rain knocked them all off.
These are just pretty, and not smelly:(

My Maple Sugar Hibiscus turns a redder color in the cooler weather.
It got so tall, I moved it to the back of my plant line up.

Can anyone tell me what this is?
It showed up in this pot last year, so it is perennial...

in cooler weather older leaves have a purple tinge...

It will bloom tiny white blooms soon, I would love more info if anyone knows...

Man O Man I love my pond area!!

Cardinal's Flower Lobelia cardinalis
This is my first bloom this year.
I dug this one up from a local swampy area.

Sooooo pretty!
All my swampy plants are in a pot submersed in my pond.
I think the proper term is 'bog plants'.

Found this little guy by following the chirping,
but I wasn't him making the noise,
wonder who else is hiding out over in the potting area?

I planted 3 types of gourds in this pot, looks like only one lived.
Will it be birdhouse, egg, or dipper gourd?
Only time will tell (if it doesn't run out of good weather first:)

In my pond are lovely lilies.
I have two kinds, both plant swaps.
Neither have either bloomed in the year I have had them,
but they look very healthy!

This one's new leaves are bronze...

My Green and Gold Artemisia has gone crazy...it over hangs everywhere...

And under it is the other water lily...

Lovely spider appreciating the pond fishing...

This little tropical vine comes back every year, very late, and very small, but very welcome...

One Clematis bloom...

Looking back at the front deck.
This is only a one year old flower bed.
My front beds look great (back yard? not so great).
I so recommend lasagna gardening...

Tansy bloomed for me again this year:)

Sorrel, Day lily, and Powers Castle Artemisia-so lush!!

Thanks to the bug that ate all the leaves on my Pokeberry weed,
the berries really stand out now.
Loving this purple!!

See my pretty creeping Lavender Lantana??
Pretty huh?
BUT NOT lavender!!
I swear it was lavender when I bought it!
Oh well, this will do:)

Strawberry Grass, that came back from the almost dead,

I love when that happens:)
Welcome back baby!!
I am going to have to move this Taro (running Elephant Ear),
it is taking over.
Maybe I can plant an actual Elephant Ear bulb and get this look...hmmmm....

Milk and Wine Crinum Lily blooming again...love this toughy!!

I have really enjoyed this rain with no wind or lightening accompanying it. However we are maxed out, and in danger of flooding in many areas. So, its free to move on to more needy areas:)
Have a lovely week:)

Have a wonderful Bloomin' Tuesday!
Join MsGreen "thumb" Jean for Bloomin' Tuesday! Come join in or see others!

Also Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Day Dreamer's


Darla said...

YOur gardens look fantastic and I love the excitment in your wording!!

Amy said...

Oh my goodnes...what an impressive garden! Puts mine to shame. Lovely.

Diann @ The Thrifty Groove said...

Everything looks so lush and vibrant!

We have had a major rainy summer here in Michigan. However, I can't complain because it has really helped to bring the waer levels back up in the Great lakes.

Have a wonderful day!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Carla, thanks for the Happy Birthday wish. Your flowers and pics of them are beautiful. I thought my Hibiscus was done and low and behold as I drove up to the carport she was waving a big bright flower at me. Have a super day!!!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

You obviously have a very green thumb. Your garden is really beautiful. I love your pond and the pink lily. My poor yard is dead. We have rotten soil and also are on water restrictions here. It was really nice to visit your very green and gorgeous garden.


Light and Voices said...

Amazing Bishop's Cap plant. You really, really, really, really do have a nice garden.
Joyce M

Janie said...

There's nothing like rain to make frogs, flowers, and gardeners happy. Glad you had a nice shower.

Grammy said...

Wow, you have some wonderful blooms. I love the frog too.

Rhonda said...

YOu're so BLOOMIN!!!!!!!!

I love your pond area...It's so cool looking!

I'm getting ready to do a tomato plant transplant here in a week or so and I'm SO excited. IT'll be my first thing to grow...or die. Hopefully GROW!

Elena said...

Your garden is lovely. My favorite is the bright red flower. I just love that color! Thanks for sharing your blooms and plants.

Zaroga said...

Beautiful blooms, Carla... the plants look so lush.

I've got so much to do around the house... I've gotten behind in things because of our surgeries.

I'll visit when I can and post when I can.


Jean said...

Wow! The rain surely brought out the blooms! Everything is so green and pretty. Of course, I love all the burgundy accents! Jean

Gail said...

Every thing looks so wonderful. We are getting wonderful rain too.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. The one photograph of yours that drew my eye was the angel with the Cardinal's Hat, or Bishop's Hat(?), growing in front of it. The angel is a great backdrop for that plant!

Bonnie said...

I love your Cardinal's Hat. Hope you get a gourd on your vine.

Stayathomemommy said...

Your plants are lovely they I love the little frog he is cute! It is a good thing it rained now you don't have to go out and water wish I could say the same for myself :o)

Mary Bergfeld said...

Your garden is such a lovely area. Thaks so much for sharing it with us. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

JLS Hall (Joysweb) said...

What gorgeous plants! Your deck looks like such an inviting place to be. Great shots!

Unknown said...

Wow! You have a great garden! Not sure what your mystery plan is though. Looks like Mr Toad approves!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

It all looks so lush! Rain is nice as long as it's not storming (which it's doing right now)!

Don't know what that plant is but I love your pond!


Susan Cook said...

Your garden is beautiful - I wish I had more of a green thumb, I love the pond area and the little frog. :)

Regina said...

Hi Carla, wow these are beautiful blooms! Nice post and shots.
Have a lovely day!

Blondie's Journal said...

You havde SO many beautiful flowers!! I don't know how you take care of all of them!! Beautiful pictures and I am glad Kermit got to come by for his photo shoot!!

Happy OW!


Ingrid said...

Very nice photos, love the little frog ! I live in a country (Belgium) where usually it rains all the time, so we are rather happy when it doesn't rain. This summer for the first time since ages I had to water my flowers !

Tina said...

very pretty, in my case my garden is a bit of a jungle at the moment so i could do without the rain lol

Tina from
Mummy Diaries
Game FreakZ
Gossip Avenue
Travel Shack