We take a break from our regularly scheduled ~Moon Phase Monday~ to bring a 'different' kind of harvest....
The moon was almost full, the sky clear, a gentle breeze in the air...
The moon was almost full, the sky clear, a gentle breeze in the air...

The 'dress' of the day was freshly washed, dried and ready to go...
(this cap and gown had been worn by three brothers so far, tonight was its final mission)
The superstars were out in all their glory...
Snacks were provided by the establishment...
On the 'red carpet' were the featured stars of the day...
Which SUPERSTAR was ours????
Taylor Edward our youngest, and current High School Graduate of 2009.

We sat through the ceremony, then, finally, it was time for action!!!

Here our SUPERSTAR is receiving diploma...

Here he is shaking his (nemesis) Principal's hand (and handing over a cell phone, this was their Senior prank, each of the 77 students handed over a cell phone to the principal-he was cracking up)

Lil grand David managed to stay awake (actually managed to "not go to sleep")

Grandgirl Laura June managed to not give in to pending 'fits'
(someones missed their nap time earlier in the day)
There were fireworks...

Then picture time with our hero!!!
Uncle Tay with LauraJune and David

Grandma and Taylor

Ma, Tay, Pa (we are ALL busting with pride!!)

(see the moon???) Congratulations Taterbaby!!!
All SEVEN of our children have graduated High School. I'd like to take credit for this, but other than moral support, I know these kids did it on their own!!!

There were fireworks...

Then picture time with our hero!!!
Uncle Tay with LauraJune and David

Grandma and Taylor

Tay and greatuncle

Ma, Tay, Pa (we are ALL busting with pride!!)

(see the moon???) Congratulations Taterbaby!!!

Taterbaby, I love you more than words can express!!!
Go, Take on the World!!!
(big shout out to brother Eric, sister Misty, mom Grandma, uncle, and friends who were able to come to support our boy, err, man:)
Congrats to Eric. He's a handsome young man.
Oh my goodness, you must be so proud! that's awesome! Congrats taterbaby!
Congrats to your son! Great job to the whole family!
Congrats! Sounds like a wonderful time.
What a wonderful celebration! Congratulations, Eric, you are our future.
Congrats! Your boy looks fine!
Congrats!! Ah the cell phones. My son had his confiscated several times this year! On the 3rd time it was kept until the last day of school!
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