It has been said "Optimism is a choice, Cynicism isn't smarter, it is just easier."
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Son-Day: "Tears In Heaven"
Rest In Peace Ms. Avis Hass 01/05/1938-07/25/2011
Ms. Avis was the song leader in my grandmother's church. She is why I love church songs, she is the voice I hear when I hear a good old church song.
Her family chose this fitting song after loosing her to Alzheimers.
I know this true saint will KNOW them in heaven.
~God Bless~
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Ode To The Princess
The Kingdom is sad to report the loss of a valued member of the Royal Family, Princess Frog Gee Girl has not returned from outlying Peasant Pooch Peace Talks.
They join together to remember, and honor, their beloved Princess Frog-Gee-Girl.
Her daughter, Princess Blu, still recovering from her own injuries while interacting with the outlying Peasant Pooches, has removed herself from the public, taking some quiet time to reflect...
The Queen Mother, Uno, makes a public statement requesting truce.
The Queen honors her adopted daughter's efforts in the dangerous activity of Peasant Pooch conflicts.
The Queen calls for both sides, the Royal Feline, and outlying Peasant Pooch, to come together and end this turmoil.
No more violence, she says, let us live in a time of peace.
Let this be the last death.
She will be remembered for her fashion sense, her work as Peace Ambassador, her spunky spirit, her determination, her intelligence, her beauty inside as well as out.
~All Hail Queen Uno~
~God Save The Queen~
I hate to report the missing and probable death of my two and a half year old tortie, Froggie.
In June my Blu kitty came home with puncture wounds on her mid-section.
Definitely from a dog.
Not our dogs, but some loose dogs in the neighborhood (because, apparently leash laws don't apply to them).
That same week Froggie disappeared.
I'm sure the dogs got her.
I hope she went fast.
I hate to think of her suffering.
Sadly that is a major drawback to having outside kitties, the world can be violent (just ask the creatures my kitties hunt and kill).
I'm really amazed I've had Uno so long (10+ years).
So, a little tribute to my girl:
Spunky, smart, evil, played too rough, had two back to back litters of 9 kittens before I got her fixed, marvelous daughter and mother, tolerant of grandkids, sweet snuggler, big purrer, master hunter...
We sure enjoyed our time with her.
God bless you my sweet tortie girl.
Cats On Tuesday
They join together to remember, and honor, their beloved Princess Frog-Gee-Girl.
Her daughter, Princess Blu, still recovering from her own injuries while interacting with the outlying Peasant Pooches, has removed herself from the public, taking some quiet time to reflect...
The Queen Mother, Uno, makes a public statement requesting truce.
The Queen honors her adopted daughter's efforts in the dangerous activity of Peasant Pooch conflicts.
The Queen calls for both sides, the Royal Feline, and outlying Peasant Pooch, to come together and end this turmoil.
No more violence, she says, let us live in a time of peace.
Let this be the last death.
She will be remembered for her fashion sense, her work as Peace Ambassador, her spunky spirit, her determination, her intelligence, her beauty inside as well as out.
~All Hail Queen Uno~
~God Save The Queen~
I hate to report the missing and probable death of my two and a half year old tortie, Froggie.
In June my Blu kitty came home with puncture wounds on her mid-section.
Definitely from a dog.
Not our dogs, but some loose dogs in the neighborhood (because, apparently leash laws don't apply to them).
That same week Froggie disappeared.
I'm sure the dogs got her.
I hope she went fast.
I hate to think of her suffering.
Sadly that is a major drawback to having outside kitties, the world can be violent (just ask the creatures my kitties hunt and kill).
I'm really amazed I've had Uno so long (10+ years).
So, a little tribute to my girl:
Spunky, smart, evil, played too rough, had two back to back litters of 9 kittens before I got her fixed, marvelous daughter and mother, tolerant of grandkids, sweet snuggler, big purrer, master hunter...
We sure enjoyed our time with her.
God bless you my sweet tortie girl.
Cats On Tuesday
Thursday, July 21, 2011
TT: 07/21/11 Week In Review
Friday hubby was able to take DS Eric to his favorite college for a private tour.
(Nothing planned, the right people just happen to be available and willing to share.)
Eric is attending a junior college.
He and hubby had so much fun checking out the growth of this college campus, and all the options.
Be neat to seeif Eric takes the bait and goes to hubby's choice what Eric decides.
Also Mr. Granddarling Kale stayed the weekend with us (while his daddy, SS Mike, was at drill).

Kale has always held his head to the left, never fully working out his muscles.
So, lately, for most of the day he wears a DocBand, a weighted helmet which causes him to use the neck and face muscles.
This is our second granddarling to wear one, and they are amazing.
In no time at all it will be like he never wore one at all.
And he is so young it really doesn't bother him at all.
Part of the time we take it off to 'dry' out his head.
At 7 mos he up to 3 teeth and is working on crawling and sitting up.
Also this week we are fostering a couple of dogs from one of my elderly friends.
She went to the hospital and it doesn't look good.
The chihuahua is regrowing her hair after her last litter.
At just 1.5 yrs she looks much older.
She is a very, very good dog. (and very very scared)
Because she can escape under our backyard fence, I took the little chi with basset LadyBelle to visit hubby at the camper.
(What a mess)
They ate separately because LadyBelleis a food hog has food issues
(probably from making sure she gets ANYTHING to eat at home around our fat basset Reba).
Ever helpful, LadyBelle polished off the chi's food too.
Hubby said the chi might actually be cute...
if she had hair:).
And even though we have toys at the camper, LadyBelle chose to STEAL a pair of gloves from the hubby's bag on the couch and destroy them.
Look at this face...could you tell her no? Us either:).
Outside the camper, planter Donut, and Flo the Flamingo were happily showing off the growth of the plants in their care.
I thought these were mini yellow Happy Day day lilies, but you can see they are not.
Oh well...
Tiny blooms on the rose moss...
I spent the morningcleaning up after my slobby husband tiding the camper, then checked to see, and am pleased to report that we have Internet at the camper!!! Woot Woot!!
Also I am one step closer to having all the supplies to clean the outside of the camper...maybe next week when I go back down...(I hope I hope I hope)
We are buying (one at a time) rubber mat stepping stones ($7 at Lowe's) to make our own portable walk way, and may be even a patio...
Sweet daughter, Misty, gave this to hubby for Father's day.
Its one that fits in your car window, and hubby was so pleased when it fit the camper window.
(Nothing planned, the right people just happen to be available and willing to share.)

Eric is attending a junior college.
He and hubby had so much fun checking out the growth of this college campus, and all the options.
Be neat to see
Also Mr. Granddarling Kale stayed the weekend with us (while his daddy, SS Mike, was at drill).

So, lately, for most of the day he wears a DocBand, a weighted helmet which causes him to use the neck and face muscles.
This is our second granddarling to wear one, and they are amazing.
In no time at all it will be like he never wore one at all.
And he is so young it really doesn't bother him at all.
Part of the time we take it off to 'dry' out his head.
At 7 mos he up to 3 teeth and is working on crawling and sitting up.
Also this week we are fostering a couple of dogs from one of my elderly friends.
She went to the hospital and it doesn't look good.
The chihuahua is regrowing her hair after her last litter.
At just 1.5 yrs she looks much older.
She is a very, very good dog. (and very very scared)
Because she can escape under our backyard fence, I took the little chi with basset LadyBelle to visit hubby at the camper.
(What a mess)
They ate separately because LadyBelle
(probably from making sure she gets ANYTHING to eat at home around our fat basset Reba).
Hubby said the chi might actually be cute...
if she had hair:).
And even though we have toys at the camper, LadyBelle chose to STEAL a pair of gloves from the hubby's bag on the couch and destroy them.
Look at this face...could you tell her no? Us either:).
Outside the camper, planter Donut, and Flo the Flamingo were happily showing off the growth of the plants in their care.
I thought these were mini yellow Happy Day day lilies, but you can see they are not.
Oh well...
Tiny blooms on the rose moss...
I spent the morning
Also I am one step closer to having all the supplies to clean the outside of the camper...maybe next week when I go back down...(I hope I hope I hope)
We are buying (one at a time) rubber mat stepping stones ($7 at Lowe's) to make our own portable walk way, and may be even a patio...
Sweet daughter, Misty, gave this to hubby for Father's day.
Its one that fits in your car window, and hubby was so pleased when it fit the camper window.
Our little (dirty) home away from home....
I am thankful to have DS Eric nearby, he is always delightful.
I missed him so much the four years he was away in the navy.
I am thankful we are close enough to watch GS Kale while his daddy serves our country locally.
I am thankful amazing doctors that notice what infants need so soon and have such wonderful methods to help them.
I am thankful for my hubby who works so hard for our family, and always has.
I am thankful for his job, and our camper which provides a safe, sweet little place for him to stay and me to visit during the week.
I am thankful for our sweet basset girl, LadyBelle, who brings a smile to hubby's face,
I am thankful for the freedom to visit him and the means to do so.
I am thankful for our history and our friendship.
God bless on this Thankful Thursday
Monday, July 18, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Son-Day: "How Many Kings"
How Many Kings
Follow the star to a place unexpected
Would you believe after all we’ve projected
A child in a manger
Lowly and small, the weakest of all
Unlikeliness hero, wrapped in his mothers shawl
Just a child
Is this who we’ve waited for?
Cause how many kings, stepped down from their thrones?
How many lords have abandoned their homes?
How many greats have become the least for me?
How many Gods have poured out their hearts
To romance a world that has torn all apart?
How many fathers gave up their sons for me?
Bringing our gifts for the newborn savior
All that we have whether costly or meek
Because we believe
Gold for his honor and frankincense for his pleasure
And myrrh for the cross he’ll suffer
Do you believe, is this who we’ve waited for?
It’s who we’ve waited for
How many kings, stepped down from their thrones?
How many lords have abandoned their homes?
How many greats have become the least for me?
How many Gods have poured out their hearts
To romance a world that has torn all apart?
How many fathers gave up their sons for me?
Only one did that for me
All for me
All for you
All for me
All for you
~God Bless~
Friday, July 15, 2011
FF: Milo and LadyBelle
Last time sweet basset, LadyBelle (our travel pup), and I went to visit 'daddy' at work out of town, we house sat my in-laws lovely lake house.
LadyBelle enjoyed the yard, the treats, the guest room (especially the huge-super soft king sized bed),
the cows, the black dog Forrest,

but NOT the red dog Ginny.
Ginny is a 'herder' and our LadyBelle did not appreciate being herded and having her fat little legs nipped at by this crazy border collie.
Every time Ginny came near, our poor basset tucked her tail and tried to not move, and to be invisible.
Poor baby.
Where hubby is working during the week (two hours away) flat farm land.

The Milo was in full color and I had to share.

I love how farmers plant in rows that just seem to go on and on,

And depending on where you stand the view is so different.
LadyBelle approved of our 'photo pit stop', and being able to move without fear of Ginny's teeth:).
The colors are amazing....

Have a wonderful Fertilizer Friday!!
Milo Sorghum Grain
Farmers on the hot, dry plains from Texas to South Dakota grow and use grain sorghum like Corn Belt farmers use corn. Large acreages of grain sorghum are also grown in Africa and Asia in areas where the climate is too hot and dry for corn.
During the past 25 years, the grain sorghum acreage in the U.S. has ranged from 15 to 18 million acres per year. Grain sorghum acreage is somewhat greater than acreages for oats and barley, but considerably less than the land area planted to corn, wheat, and soybeans.
In cooler, more humid regions, corn is usually a better choice than grain sorghum, but renewed interest in grain sorghum occurs whenever hotter and drier than normal growing seasons are experienced.
Alternative Field Crops
LadyBelle enjoyed the yard, the treats, the guest room (especially the huge-super soft king sized bed),
the cows, the black dog Forrest,

but NOT the red dog Ginny.
Ginny is a 'herder' and our LadyBelle did not appreciate being herded and having her fat little legs nipped at by this crazy border collie.
Every time Ginny came near, our poor basset tucked her tail and tried to not move, and to be invisible.
Poor baby.
Where hubby is working during the week (two hours away) flat farm land.
The Milo was in full color and I had to share.
I love how farmers plant in rows that just seem to go on and on,
And depending on where you stand the view is so different.
LadyBelle approved of our 'photo pit stop', and being able to move without fear of Ginny's teeth:).
The colors are amazing....
Have a wonderful Fertilizer Friday!!
Milo Sorghum Grain
Farmers on the hot, dry plains from Texas to South Dakota grow and use grain sorghum like Corn Belt farmers use corn. Large acreages of grain sorghum are also grown in Africa and Asia in areas where the climate is too hot and dry for corn.
During the past 25 years, the grain sorghum acreage in the U.S. has ranged from 15 to 18 million acres per year. Grain sorghum acreage is somewhat greater than acreages for oats and barley, but considerably less than the land area planted to corn, wheat, and soybeans.
In cooler, more humid regions, corn is usually a better choice than grain sorghum, but renewed interest in grain sorghum occurs whenever hotter and drier than normal growing seasons are experienced.
Alternative Field Crops
Thursday, July 14, 2011
TT: 07/14/11 Week In Review
This last week we had little man, Kale stay the night...
And since my DIL was down from Maryland, we set up a tack quilting at my mom's.
I watched the grands while the 'girls' worked at the table.
Grandgirl, Katherine's quilt was tacked first and she TOTALLY approved of the Dora print mom found.
So much fun to have most of my girls together, and four of our six grandbabies together.
Then Saturday, we picked up (visiting from MD son) Tay, and Mike and grandboy Kale, to attend son DJ's promotion at drill.
DJ wanted Tay to pin him, and even tho this really wasn't a 'family' thing, it was great to be there.
Mike is in the Guard too and looks as fine as Tay and DJ do in his uniform.
We left DJ to do his drill stuff, and went to IHOP:), woohoo IHOP pancakes!!!
Then we dropped off Mike and Kale, and took Tay back to his in-laws where they were preparing to load up and fly back to Maryland.
I'm very blessed, and so thankful to have family close by (and Facebook for those not so close by).
Have a lovely, Thankful Thursday!!
And since my DIL was down from Maryland, we set up a tack quilting at my mom's.
I watched the grands while the 'girls' worked at the table.
Grandgirl, Katherine's quilt was tacked first and she TOTALLY approved of the Dora print mom found.
So much fun to have most of my girls together, and four of our six grandbabies together.
Then Saturday, we picked up (visiting from MD son) Tay, and Mike and grandboy Kale, to attend son DJ's promotion at drill.
DJ wanted Tay to pin him, and even tho this really wasn't a 'family' thing, it was great to be there.
Mike is in the Guard too and looks as fine as Tay and DJ do in his uniform.
We left DJ to do his drill stuff, and went to IHOP:), woohoo IHOP pancakes!!!
Then we dropped off Mike and Kale, and took Tay back to his in-laws where they were preparing to load up and fly back to Maryland.
Tay and Lindsey |
Have a lovely, Thankful Thursday!!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Happy Birthday and Anniversary Tiffany!
Happy 29th SD Tiffany!! Happy First Anniversary on 08/13/11!!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Son-Day: "Behold A Royal Army"
Behold A Royal Army
Words: Fanny Crosby
Music: Adam Geibel
Behold! a royal army,
With banner, sword and shield,
Are marching forth to conquer,
On life’s great battlefield;
Its ranks are filled with soldiers,
United, bold and strong,
Who followed their Commander,
And sing their joyful song.
Victory, victory,
Thro’ Him that redeemed us!
Victory, victory,
Thro’ Jesus Christ our Lord!
Victory, victory, victory,
Thro’ Jesus Christ our Lord!
And now the foe, advancing,
That valiant host assails,
And yet they never falter,
Their courage never fails;
Their Leader calls, “Be faithful!”
They pass the word along,
They see His signal flashing,
And shout the joyful song.
Victory, victory,
Thro’ Him that redeemed us!
Victory, victory,
Thro’ Jesus Christ our Lord!
Victory, victory, victory,
Thro’ Jesus Christ our Lord!
Oh, when the war is ended,
When strife and conflict cease,
When all are safely gathered
Within the vale of peace,
Before the King eternal,
That vast and mighty throng
Shall praise His Name forever,
And this shall be their song.
Victory, victory,
Thro’ Him that redeemed us!
Victory, victory,
Thro’ Jesus Christ our Lord!
Victory, victory, victory,
Thro’ Jesus Christ our Lord!
Friday, July 8, 2011
FF: 7/8/11 Datura
Because not much new is happening here, I have decided to spotlight some old reliables (currently that is what I am most interested in, old reliables).
We call them Angel Trumpet or Moon flower, and can always count on them to shine.
Evening til sunrise bloomers, gray green leaves, large blooms, sweetly scented, low growing, drought tolerant.
I understand they are very toxic, so keep that in mind.
Here they re-seed, and I know in some areas the are a pest.
But, for right now, in my yard they are delightful.
Datura stramonium, known by the common names jimson weed, devil's trumpet, devil's weed, thorn apple, tolguacha, Jamestown weed, stinkweed, locoweed, datura, pricklyburr, devil's cucumber, hell's bells, moonflower and, in South Africa, malpitte and mad seeds, is a common weed in the Solanaceae (nightshade) family.
It is an erect annual herb forming a bush up to 3–5 ft (1–1.5 m) tall.[2] The leaves are soft, irregularly undulate, and toothed. The fragrant flowers are trumpet-shaped, white to creamy or violet, and 2.5 to 3.5 in. long. They rarely open completely. The egg-shaped seed capsule is walnut-sized and either covered with spines or bald. At maturity it splits into four chambers, each with dozens of small black seeds.
(info taken from web)
Fertilizer Friday
We call them Angel Trumpet or Moon flower, and can always count on them to shine.
Evening til sunrise bloomers, gray green leaves, large blooms, sweetly scented, low growing, drought tolerant.
I understand they are very toxic, so keep that in mind.
Here they re-seed, and I know in some areas the are a pest.
But, for right now, in my yard they are delightful.
Datura stramonium, known by the common names jimson weed, devil's trumpet, devil's weed, thorn apple, tolguacha, Jamestown weed, stinkweed, locoweed, datura, pricklyburr, devil's cucumber, hell's bells, moonflower and, in South Africa, malpitte and mad seeds, is a common weed in the Solanaceae (nightshade) family.
It is an erect annual herb forming a bush up to 3–5 ft (1–1.5 m) tall.[2] The leaves are soft, irregularly undulate, and toothed. The fragrant flowers are trumpet-shaped, white to creamy or violet, and 2.5 to 3.5 in. long. They rarely open completely. The egg-shaped seed capsule is walnut-sized and either covered with spines or bald. At maturity it splits into four chambers, each with dozens of small black seeds.
(info taken from web)
Fertilizer Friday
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Cuteness Runamuck: July 4th, 2011
This year, for the fourth, we had a two family gatherings.
One was at my paternal aunt's, one at my mom's.
There was much food, much fellowship, and much love to go around...

Since our county is in a serious drought, we had no fireworks (except at special protected places), so we just had to make do with these sparklers!
Have I mentioned how I love my grands?
All were present except grandgirl Audrey in WI.
I am thankful for all who made these days possible.
I am very thankful for my freedom.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Independence Day.
One was at my paternal aunt's, one at my mom's.
There was much food, much fellowship, and much love to go around...

Since our county is in a serious drought, we had no fireworks (except at special protected places), so we just had to make do with these sparklers!
Have I mentioned how I love my grands?
All were present except grandgirl Audrey in WI.
I am thankful for all who made these days possible.
I am very thankful for my freedom.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Independence Day.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Son-Day: "Star Spangled Banner"
The Star Spangled Banner
Francis Scott Key
Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
'Tis the star-spangled banner! Oh long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion,
A home and a country should leave us no more!
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Happy Independence Day
~God Bless~
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