Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ode To The Princess

The Kingdom is sad to report the loss of  a valued member of the Royal Family, Princess Frog Gee Girl has not returned from outlying Peasant Pooch Peace Talks.

Queen Uno's court: Princess Froggie, Princess Blu, Queen Uno 04/11
They join together to remember, and honor, their beloved Princess Frog-Gee-Girl. 

Her daughter, Princess Blu, still recovering from her own injuries while interacting with the outlying Peasant Pooches, has removed herself from the public, taking some quiet time to reflect...

The Queen makes a quick appearance to address the public...
The Queen Mother, Uno, makes a public statement requesting truce.
The Queen honors her adopted daughter's efforts in the dangerous activity of Peasant Pooch conflicts. 
The Queen calls for both sides, the Royal Feline, and outlying Peasant Pooch, to come together and end this turmoil.
No more violence, she says, let us live in a time of peace.
Let this be the last death.  

Princess Frog-Gee-Girl 2009/2011

She will be remembered for her fashion sense, her work as Peace Ambassador, her spunky spirit, her determination, her intelligence, her beauty inside as well as out.

~All Hail Queen Uno~
~God Save The Queen~

I hate to report the missing and probable death of my two and a half  year old tortie, Froggie.
In June my Blu kitty came home with puncture wounds on her mid-section.
Definitely from a dog.
Not our dogs, but some loose dogs in the neighborhood (because, apparently leash laws don't apply to them).
That same week Froggie disappeared.
I'm sure the dogs got her.
I hope she went fast.
I hate to think of her suffering.
Sadly that is a major drawback to having outside kitties, the world can be violent (just ask the creatures my kitties hunt and kill).
I'm really amazed I've had Uno so long (10+ years).

So, a little tribute to my girl:
Spunky, smart, evil, played too rough, had two back to back litters of 9 kittens before I got her fixed, marvelous daughter and mother, tolerant of grandkids, sweet snuggler, big purrer,  master hunter...
We sure enjoyed our time with her.
God bless you my sweet tortie girl.

Cats On Tuesday


Ingrid said...

How very sad ! it's horrible not really to know what happend.

Photo Cache said...

Oh very sad. I hope she just shows up one day, still hoping.

Emma and Buster

meowmeowmans said...

We're so very sorry. It must be very difficult not knowing. :(

Hugs and purrs.

Kea said...

This is awful to read and we're deeply sorry. Whatever happened, we purray she's at peace.

-Nicki and Derry from Fuzzy Tales (logged in under the mom's account)

P.S. Thanks so much for your visit to our Fuzzy Tales blog!

Barbara said...

Oh how awful. I do hope she does turn up, I'll be thinking of you all.x

The Chair Speaks said...

It's tormenting not knowing what happened. We purr for her to be well and come home soon.