LadyBelle enjoyed the yard, the treats, the guest room (especially the huge-super soft king sized bed),
the cows, the black dog Forrest,

but NOT the red dog Ginny.
Ginny is a 'herder' and our LadyBelle did not appreciate being herded and having her fat little legs nipped at by this crazy border collie.
Every time Ginny came near, our poor basset tucked her tail and tried to not move, and to be invisible.
Poor baby.
Where hubby is working during the week (two hours away) flat farm land.
The Milo was in full color and I had to share.
I love how farmers plant in rows that just seem to go on and on,
And depending on where you stand the view is so different.
LadyBelle approved of our 'photo pit stop', and being able to move without fear of Ginny's teeth:).
The colors are amazing....
Have a wonderful Fertilizer Friday!!
Milo Sorghum Grain
Farmers on the hot, dry plains from Texas to South Dakota grow and use grain sorghum like Corn Belt farmers use corn. Large acreages of grain sorghum are also grown in Africa and Asia in areas where the climate is too hot and dry for corn.
During the past 25 years, the grain sorghum acreage in the U.S. has ranged from 15 to 18 million acres per year. Grain sorghum acreage is somewhat greater than acreages for oats and barley, but considerably less than the land area planted to corn, wheat, and soybeans.
In cooler, more humid regions, corn is usually a better choice than grain sorghum, but renewed interest in grain sorghum occurs whenever hotter and drier than normal growing seasons are experienced.
Alternative Field Crops
That's interesting. I haven't heard of Milo Sorghum Grain before. Is it harvested and used much like other grains?
this is a neat post! I love the view of the did seem to be never-ending.
your pups are adorable!
thanks for linking in!
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