Since then I have had a secret desire to help.
Finally life allowed me the chance, and I (actually got around to) starting.
I started each time with a prayer, for all who prepared, all delivering, all receiving.
That life would allow me to continue.

However, I soon found out, you can't out serve our Heavenly Father.
He blessed me faster than I could ever hope to bless others.
I did a driving route, so the kids I babysat just rode along.
Then my son murdered my car.
Fortunately, we acquired another auto, and I was back on the road again:).
THEN hubby needed our only auto for work:(.
No more Meals On Wheels.
Time passed, and God and I were talking, I was telling Him what I wanted to do when hubs gave the auto back.
I prayed He would help me remember.

My Meals On Wheels leader hunted me down (thanks for intervening God:), and I had a new route!!
I could take my girls I watch with me, and we walked the Senior Citizen Apts.
Fun Fun Fun!
Good for the girls, and great for me!
Then I started babysitting babies.
Babies that couldn't walk the route, and didn't need to be in the weather.
What to do.
Back to the drawing board, Heavenly Father and I talked it out, and decided to ask my MOW leader if I could have a driving route again.
The answer was "Yes!", and immediately I was set up with a driving route.

Windy cold.
I hate cold wind.
Worse than ice.
Coldest its been in 25 years.
I didn't want to go.
Secretly I hoped the weather would be to bad for us to Meals On Wheels today.
Then I remembered all my sweet people counting on that meal.
People who didn't need to be out in this wind.
I thought of all those wonderful people who make sure this food gets out in REALLY cold places. Suddenly it wasn't that cold any more.
I took my 4 yo, 10 mo, and 6 mo girls I watch with me,
and they were so good (and toasty warm in the heated truck).
I am so thankful I have the time and means to help.
I am so thankful that all my people live in warm, safe houses, and that I too, have a warm safe house.
I am thankful for heaters, and that currently, even though it is windy and cold out, the sun is shining.
God bless those who donate, those who prepare, those who deliver, and especially those who receive Meals On Wheels!!
Have a lovely day, no matter the weather!! Our warmth comes from within:)
You are such an inspiration. Your Christ love for others is beautiful. I'm know you are a blessing to those you lovingly serve.
Stay Warm Sister!
Yoli :)
Thank you so much! There are many people that Meals on Wheels is their only contact with someone each day.
Thank you for making a difference.
Oh what a great post. I get it. We do a food pantry and provide backpacks for the weekend for kids in an ele. today was our deliver day to the school. But it was closed. I hope it opens tomorrow but I doubt it. Makes me feel so bad if the kids don't get their backpacks for this weekend. Thanks for sharing your story. I really enjoyed it. Hope you had a good day.
Stay Warm.
The best part of all of it is that you are teaching the kids by example how important it is to give back to the community!
You know what touched me about this entire post? The Lord reached out to you when you were only a child and put Meals on Wheels into your soul.
He knew so long ago your heart and placed this passion within you. Isn't it cool to see His work come through you. Something from long ago in which He started. I LOVED this post. Thank you. Thank you for your servant heart and I can't even imagine the unspoken lessons about compassion you are sharing with your kids as you include them.
God bless you. Happy TT and see you again next week, Hugs, Lynn
Bless those who bless others. Great post, Carla!
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