Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Eyes Have It

My son, Mike's black man cat: Metro, or better known as The Trode...


Anya said...

Cool shot :-)



Okay now you have to tell us all
how you got this pic? cool!

The Chair Speaks said...

WooOOoo, something's out there in twilight zone!
How was this done?

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Now that's an interesting picture.


catsynth said...

That is both purely abstract and representative of cats eyes. Very well done!

You might enjoy this photo of ours from the past:


Ingrid said...

How did he do that ??? Looks like two yellow marbles, lol !

We love Luna said...

Different shot, well done!

Irishcoda said...

Hi, I'm so glad you left a comment. I enjoyed visiting your blog and saw we have quite a bit in common. I am in a blended family too and in spite of our hardships right now, we are indeed blessed.

You'd asked a question about Cubby's homemade kitty tree. The soft fabric is fleece which we picked up at Walmart. Much of the rest of it my DH made from scrap wood and other material. :)

Nola said...

How did you do that? I've been taking photos of my cats all my life and never had one like that!

Gail said...

Are you sure that's a cat?

Kidding, cool shot.

Splendid Little Stars said...

Now you have us all so curious! cool pic!