Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Water Quality Control

Yesterday, as I took some Blooming Tuesday photos,
Queen Uno decided to point out the state of the pond...
(Queen Uno, ever the lady, drinks from her paw)
Although the water was clean,
it was getting a little low,
and the weeds surrounding the pond were getting a little tall,

After I tidied up last night, she and I surveyed the progress this morning.
We were both pleased to see the growth on the clematis this year (to the left).
Queen Uno thinks the angel could stand some touching up.
(I personally find her charming)
I agree with the Queen that the mirror behind the angel REALLY needs painting this year...

The button bush, and clematis on the right are doing well too
(I'm so excited, one vine is FULL of blooms, first time ever:)

So is the artemisa, thank goodness this pushy plant is in a pot.

The two water lilies look pretty happy too.
Queen Uno commented on the clear water,
but recommend some of the mossy stuff be removed.
Most of our pond stuff came from a local lake (the mossy, mucky stuff at the bottom) so our water tank/pond stays clear.

The bog pot is submersed half way in the water, so the soil is always wet.
The new addition of water cress is doing great.

All tidy, and ready to let loose!!

(notice my ONE bloom so far?)

Thanks to our resident Queen for the 'reminded' the pond needed attention.

~This message has been approved of by Queen Uno~

~Long Live The Queen!~

Cats on Tuesday

Blooming Tuesday


Jean said...

Your pond area is looking great! Don't touch that angel, she's perfect! I just have leaves coming out on my early blooming clematis. Everything sure looks green and healthy! Jean

Nola said...

Long live the Queen, indeed! And I love that artemesia, never seen bicolored before.

Cindy said...

One bloom is great! You're soon to get more. Queen Uno will tell you what to do next.

Ellen Whyte said...

With Queen Uno as snooperviser, you can't go wrong!


It looks like you and the kitty are enjoying the outdoors together! Your
garden looks very nice for this early! :)

Al said...

You got a very nice garden especially that figure of an angel as decorative. Queen Uno must be very proud of it and what a nice garden to play at.

Anne Fannie said...

Love Queen Uno!! She is the cats meow!
I also like that angel statue. Very pretty!!!
Happy Blooming Tuesday, I am late tonight visiting, but I did make it!!

Sharon Wagner said...

A beautiful garden for kitties and their people.

Ingrid said...

Wow ! drinking with her paw ! that's really upper class ! and as garden assistent "THE QUEEN" is not bad either, lol !