Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Sometimes, just sometimes,
Minions must be reminded they are minions...

~All Hail Queen Uno~

~Long Live The Queen!!~

Cats On Tuesday


The Chair Speaks said...

Empress Dowager!

Daisy said...

I am glad to see you are keeping the minions in their place!

Sharon Wagner said...

My cat Hana doesn't think of me so much as a minion but as her personal chef and hired hand.

Ingrid said...

Yesssss ! show them who is the boss, lol !

Cindy said...

Long live the queen! Keep those minions in line!

Irishcoda said...

Beware, minions, and stay in your places!

Mary said...

When the queen speaks, the world obeys.


Cats must rule and the minions need
to keep the drool off her chair! lol
What a cute set of pictures! :)

Al said...

MOL! Cute post!