Friday, August 28, 2009

July 4th in August

We decided to have our family gathering on the Sunday following the fourth.
We were able to keep grands LauraJune and David.
The Saturday before, these two were ready to go shopping.

Both were big help to Grandpa with watermelon tasting, the watermelon passed inspection.

Sunday morning brought about this Pretty Princess,

and Dashing Doll all ready for church.

Then we went to my mom's.
There used to be a 'small' family reunion each Memorial Day, when everyone gathered for the day at mom's.
That had been moved to July 5th this year.
Sweet hubby was the chef.

As you know my youngest graduated high school this year.
He agreed to wait and celebrate when the family got together in July.
With each child a treasure hunt is given so they can find the chest dad and I give them for their graduation gift.
The kids create clues and hide small things for the grad.
This is powwow discussing the plan.

The hunt is on.

This always proves to be very entertaining!
We hid the chest in the livingroom, it took Taylor forever to find it!!
Good laugh shared by all!!
Congrats Tater-baby!!

Took all these shots from Miss Can'tMakeMeSmile

To get this picture


Daughter Misty did the honors.
This year was a small display bought just for the babies.

Bestest part of the day? Family! I love my family. Align Center

Show And Tell Friday at There is no place like home.


Gee said...


Its really nice to get together. You have be very happy. Btw, love the bedspread.

Zaroga said...

Cuteness does run amok in your family. A grand idea and great collages.

The Old Parsonage said...

You have a beautiful family. It's always great to get together. We're having a reunion in October.

Please stop by The Old Parsonage anytime, I love company!


Darla said...

How sweet of you to share these special moments!! Looks like a wonderful time...

i cant decide said...

Wonderful photos. What a neat idea for the high school graduation gift. The chest is beautiful!

Regina said...

Beautiful photos. Such a happy family.
Enjoy your weekend.

Blessings to all.

Tracey said...

That is a gorgeous dress the princess is wearing!! Great pictures!

Susan B said...

It's so nice you had a family get together! I love get togethers with my family. Looks like everyone had a good time. Congratulations to your son on his graduation. I like the idea of a treasure hunt, very fun! Your grandchildren are precious. Thank you for sharing your pictures. Have a lovely weekend.

Gail said...

Not an ugly one in the bunch!

Devon said...

Great pics! Nice to meet you, Carla! thanks for commenting on my MMM post!

Ingrid said...

Wow, that looks like a big family ! very cute pictures of the kids !

Grammy said...

Awesome. I love the treasure hunt ideal. What fun. Your photos are wonderful. I so enjoyed them all. Fun fun fun. Yea!

Lora @ my blessed life said...

What a fun family day!

Thanks for stopping by my show & tell, too:)