Saturday, March 7, 2009

Camera Critters: How the Queen...

quenches her thirst (yes she drinks from her paw)


All Hail THE Queen Uno!

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Camera Critters


Gail said...

How adorable! I have never seen a cat do that!

Deb said...

She is a queen, very nice photos

Amy the SaltyMomma said...

So regal! Great photos. Is she a kind ruler? :)

OMGoodness! Great photo! Where were you when you took it? So sweet.

Amy ~ The SaltyMomma

The Raggedy Girl said...

I love that her bowl matches her eyes.

Clocks Spring Forward Tonight
So Here Comes Spring
from Roberta Anne

Teena in Toronto said...

What a gorgeous kitty!

I played too :)

Nola said...

No freakin' way! You've gotta get that on video and put it on youtube! God save the queen!

Tina said...

what a clever little girl!

Lisa Loo said...

oh my goodness--that is so cool!!!

Carletta said...

Very cute! Love the eyes.

Did you know your link on Camera Critters is going to your Blooming post? Thought you would want to know.

My post this week is on my photoblog: Carletta’s Captures.

Mom Knows Everything said...

I think you signed Mr.Linky with the wrong post url. It leads to your Blooming Tuesday post.

Tink *~*~* said...

That's just too funny! :) I had a cat once who would turn her head upside down to drink out of the dripping bathroom faucet.

Tink *~*~*
NOW PLAYING at My Mobile Adventures *~*~* :
Frog metamorphosis at Disney

A Friendly Reader Only said...

I have a black cat that does this as well. We call her princess & she thanks us by letting us live in her house. :]

Unknown said...

Her Royal Highness looks so sweet. I've never seen any cat drinking like that!

Maude Lynn said...

How cute!

Zaroga said...

That is soooo cute! She is beautiful.

Unknown said...

That is tooo funny :-)

What a gorgeous cat..

Misty DawnS said...

Oh my gosh - that is too cool! Those who drink directly from the bowl are, of course, way below her and her standards ;-)

Aubrey said...


That has to be the cutest kitty thing ever!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I LOVE kitties.... I have one Miss Kitty who lives at my house.

Your queen laps so elegantly! And she's beautiful!