I watched Oprah when Jessica Seinfeld shared her pureed veggies hidden in many yummy foods. I bought the cookbook. I made MANY things that the family wasn't aware of how healthy they were. The added pureed veggies really add a moistness. Then I packed up the book. AND we moved. AND I haven't unpacked it yet. Months passed.
SO, my mom had lots of spinach in her garden. I (being the Suzy Homemaker that I am) cut BAGS worth, brought it home, washed it (like Rachael Ray does), pureed it in my bullet, measured it, bagged it, and froze it flat. BEAUTIFUL green perfectly square bags stacked in the freezer. Go me!!
Stay with me here:
Then I decided to make some healthy oatmeal choc chip cookies for Taylor's (18 yo-last child in school) grab and go breakfast habit. I decided to add some pureed veggies, and didn't want to use sweet potato because I didn't want it to be orange-ish. I didn't want anything that tipped off Tay that these were healthy. I found a good healthy sounding recipe on the web.
So, I remembered Jessica used spinach for choc things. I mixed it up, and popped it in the oven (all done while Tay was at school so he wouldn't know. I'm not just Suzy Homemaker, I'm a little Donna Reed too;).
Imagine my surprise when this came out of the oven!!

Yep, green!!! (they came out of the oven the prettiest emerald green, after freezing they turned more of a cow-patty green)
I was thinking choc chip=spinach use, NOT cocoa powder=spinach use.
Pureed spinach SHOULD be used with COCOA POWDER!!!

I immediately put them in the deep freeze to hide them from Tay's all seeing eye.
Later, my little girls and I ate them. I told the girls they were St. Paddy Day cookies-thanks mom:) Really no taste at all, except the white choc chips. That recipe (with or without puree veggies) might need more cinnamon:)

Green cookie anyone??? I have the recipe and will gladly share:)
Usually I'm the only one who gets ME-so I might as well enjoy myself:)
(and you know I'm brave if I will share these with you crafty homemakers!!)
Lesson learned: Pureed Spinach Goes With Cocoa!!!
Below is Jessica's Brownie recipe. I recommend adding puree veggies to meals. A little fiber and nutrients never hurt ANYONE!!
(yes, Tay, that means you too:)
Later, Tay, saw them and asked what they were, I told him they were MY healthy cookies, and he could have one if he wanted.
Surprisingly, he did not want one.
He thought they were alfalia:)
I didn't correct him:).
Brownies (with Carrot and Spinach)
Created by Jessica Seinfeld
Brownies (with Carrot and Spinach)
These brownies fool everyone! You won't believe how scrumptious they are (or how good they are for you) until you make them yourself. Just don't serve them warm—it's not until they're completely cool that the spinach flavor totally disappears.
Makes 12 brownies
* Nonstick cooking spray
* 3 ounces semisweet or bittersweet chocolate
* 1/2 cup carrot puree
* 1/2 cup spinach puree
* 1/2 cup firmly packed light or dark brown sugar
* 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
* 2 tablespoons trans-fat-free soft tub margarine spread
* 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
* 2 large egg whites
* 3/4 cup oat flour or all-purpose flour
* 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
Preheat the oven to 350°. Coat an 8" x 8" baking pan with cooking spray.
Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or over a very low flame.
In a large bowl, combine the melted chocolate, vegetable purees, sugar, cocoa powder, margarine and vanilla and whisk until smooth and creamy, 1 to 2 minutes.
Whisk in egg whites. Stir in the flour, baking powder, and salt with a wooden spoon.
Pour the batter into the pan and bake 35 to 40 minutes. Cool completely in the pan before cutting into 12 bars.
Oh, yeah, Happy Birthday ERIC!
And Happy Halloween everyone:)

And for my partner in crime...

"Love is pooling your loose change for pizza the day before payday."
My sweet hubby rocks because he willingly stays on for the ride!!! No matter how silly I get, AND always laughs WITH me and not AT me! I love ya sweetie!! (want some green spinach cookies??? huh huh??? There good for you-HONEST!!) Well, maybe just (spinach) pizza then:)

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