Monday, February 2, 2009

Easy and Do-able...

I have a confession, I am not a harvester.
I enjoy the researching, I enjoy the planning, I enjoy the planting, I enjoy the plants,
I do not harvest (usually). I do not preserve (usually). I, usually, do not eat it.
Or at least I haven't in the past.
THIS year I have decided to plant more food than ornamental.
To harvest what I grow, and to eat it. My prayer is to crave it:) I started today.
I went and thinned my 'salad bowl', which amazingly has remained even through our freeze this week, I guess its in a good sheltered spot. These poor plants haven't grown because lack of thinning, now they can really go to town.

I also want to not only know which ones to eat, but actually EAT the weeds growing in my yard that I can. So I went and trimmed some dandelion (tastes like lettuce), and some sorrel (sour), chickweed (no taste really). I also took cuttings of my salad barnett.

I ALSO want to make my own dressing. I love honey mustard, so I found an easy recipe online (its below) and made some:), I had it over my baby green salad, and it was de-lish! (I had it with chicken fried tenders, and it wasn't til I was on the last piece that I thought of shredding it over the salad-derrrr)

Then I realized I forgot mayo, so I added it, and OH MY!!! WOW!!

Some where I have cool glass bottles I can put it in, but for now this will do!

My plan is to know what is edible, and have a spot where edible weeds can grow, and ACTUALLY eat what I grow:)
I can't tell you how happy I am with my self right now:)
Happy, and full:)
mmmmm good!
I added coarse ground pepper and used dried onion powder

Easy Honey Mustard Dressing
1 cup oil
2 tablespoons mustard
2 tablespoons cider vinegar -- plus
1 teaspoon cider vinegar
1/2 cup honey
1 1/4 cup mayonnaise
1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley
1 tablespoon finely chopped red onion
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon salt
Put oil, mustard, vinegar, honey, mayonnaise, parsley, onion, Worcestershire and salt in a blender container. Blend for 3 minutes on medium speed.
Keeps well.

Recipe by Liz Caesar
From cdkitchen

This is for:
11th Heavens Homemaking Haven for Home Maker Monday

Everyday Elegance for My Favorite Things Monday
As for Me and My House for Making A Happy Home Monday


  1. I haven't eaten weeds in a long time. If you grow pansies you can eat those... there are more edible flowers, but I can't think of them right off hand. Just do a search on the internet for "edible flowers" and you will find names of edible flowers and recipes.

    Frank handles the veggie garden. He grows some good stuff. Last year we weren't at home to tend the garden and his folks wanted to do it. They wanted okra and too much was planted.. it fed them, Frank's brother's and sister's families... and there was plenty for us when we returned home. We managed to get the leavings of the tomatoes and purple hull peas. Fresh veggies are much better than store-bought.

  2. Great ideas Carla. I'm also into growing and relishing what I call edible weeds. Purslane, sorrel and a few more, whose names I do not know, are added to fish or vegetables.
    And blogging has made me respect weeds even more. What I'd have unceremoniously pulled out during my pre-blogging days, deserve a thought now, before I decide whether it'll have a future.So now weeds are either edible, not-edible or 'the butterflies might love this!'

  3. Good for you! I remember when I first moved here to the middle of nowhere and went to a ladies house fo lunch and there were pansies in the salad! Inside I was FREAKING OUT--outside--I just watched everyone else and no one seemed to die--so I tried one--really--no taste that I can remember--but I didn't die! Keep us posted!

  4. That's great! I wish we had purslane growing here because it's really healthy. Maybe I can get a start from my parents' garden next time I visit!

  5. Great ideas! I am totally jealous that you can see plants!
    Thanks for sharing! Paula from idaho

  6. Hi!
    The recipe sounds yummy. I'll pass on the weeds! LOL I've eaten Dandelion before and do not like them. Have a great day!!


  7. I have always wanted to grow a edible garden but we get so many bugs on them here and I don't have the time to keep them bug free. And I'm sure bugs can be healthy but no

  8. Thanks for dropping by and being a 'follower', I LOVE those! I love to garden also, so we'll have much in common.


  9. Oh I love growing my own veggies and making delicious cococtions with them for the family. :) That salad dressing sounds delish!

  10. Oh, sounds good!
    I am terrible growing things, they always die!
    That's why I do brioche! ;)
    Thank you for your comment on my blog!!

  11. Thanks for linking up :)

    I love to gardem, but am not really good with the follow-through...especially when the temp is 100+ and the fire ants are out in the millions :D

    I look forward to following your progress.

  12. The recipe looks wonderful. And good for you, for figuring out which of your weeds are edible! Very impressive :)

  13. WE used to pick and eat creasy greens all the time. I'm not sure if I spelled that right or not. I'm looking forward to growing tomatoes in my garden. I hate tomatoes from the store, we don't buy them, we just wait till summer to enjoy them.

  14. The dressing looks yummy - I'll have to make some for hubby.

  15. Your dressing sounds good. I love honey mustard!
