Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bloomin' Tuesday: 02/03/09

I decided to trim back the pot of tropicals that winters inside, it was growing VERY well...

When I did I was pleased to see the following growing:
1. almost pure white sweet potato vine
2. in the back was this purple heart shaped sweet potato vine (that I was hoping survived in this pot)
3. and BIG surprise Monday, to see this start of my butterfly pea vine growing!!! First sign so far, it is the little green stuff on the right of the bottom picture.

From outside: little yellow viola faces (planted in memory of my MIL Viola), daffs in a pot-first comes the leaves-THEN the blooms:), and the new 'spring' garden bed (covered with gates and lattice to protect it from the cat. From inside: My ZZ plant (can't get enough of this light green growth:)

I leave you with my angel wings, Angel Wing Begonia that is:)
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Happy Bloomin' Tuesday:)
I'm joining MsGreen "thumb" Jean for Bloomin' Tuesday! Come join in or see others!


  1. I can't grow anything inside and very little outside. It looks like you have a green thumb.

  2. Your angel wing begonia is fantastic. I have trouble with plants indoors, but during the summer they do well out on the patio. Right now everything's hibernating in the garage, just waiting for spring.

  3. Hi Carla--I wish my thumb was as green as yours---hope you have nice day. Julie

  4. I love to visit your blog on Tuesdays! You have such lovely flowers and plants. Makes me ready for spring.

  5. Oh and the photo is up on my blog now. Although I think my thumb looks worse in person than in the photo.

  6. I used to grow sweet potato vines and then I had murdered so many plants that I forgot I had success with those. Thanks for sharing your lovely plants.
    Roberta Anne

  7. It's nice that you have indoor and outdoor plants right now. There isn't anything going on in my garden at the moment. I love the two Sweet Potato Vines, never seen the variegated variety.

  8. Love your viola and Angel Wings. I have the purple vine but that almost-white with green is a stunner! I hope your butterfly pea blooms profusely in the near future!

  9. I have a black thumb when it comes to indoor plants. You definitely have a green one :-)

  10. love the angel wing begonia,your plants are all so beautiful and healthy looking.Wonderful to look at.

  11. Love the sweet potatoe plants. I've never tried overwintering them. The color of the angel wing begonia is beautifyl! Jean

  12. I like your angel wing begonia, too. I'm also not very good at inside plants, but I love to have lots of plants outside in the summer.

  13. You certainly have a green thumb, Carla. Love the begonia.

  14. You have a lot of plants I'm not familiar with. They all look great. The angel wing Begonia is especially attractive. I left my ZZ Plant outside too long this winter (even though we've had a mild winter, it doesn't like temps below 50) and it died. I'm not going to throw it out though, as sometimes it will regrow.

  15. Hi Carla!
    I enjoyed seeing your interesting vines! I know and understand the joy of seeing new plants thrive and do well. I have been growing (indoors), mostly cacti and succulents. This year most of my 6 year old succulents shriveled up and died--I'm not sure why. It was kind of disheartning. I've decided to switch to ivy and other indoor tropical house plants.
    Much too cold and snowy to think about anything outdoors yet--so nice to see your yellow viola's! Lovely!
    Glad to hear you found a sewing chair on eBay!!! You'll have to post a picture soon!
    Thank you so much your kind thoughts always left at the cabin!
    Blessings to you!
    Claudia O.

  16. Fun Bloomin' Tuesday! (Even though I can't seem to ever make things bloom...other than hopefully my children!) ;)

  17. Good morning.
    I love all your blommin photos of the day. he he he. Big hug.
    I have left something special for you on my blog.

  18. Those red angel wings are so beautiful. I can't keep plants inside. My cat eats them all.
