It has been said "Optimism is a choice, Cynicism isn't smarter, it is just easier."
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Son-Day: "Hello World"
"Hello World"
Traffic crawls, cell phone calls
Talk video screams at me
Through my tinted window I see
A little girl, rust red minivan
She's got chocolate on her face
Got little hands, and she waves at me
Ya, she smiles at me
Hello world
How've you been?
Good to see you, my old friend
Sometimes I feel cold as steel
Broken like I'm never gonna heal
I see a light, a little hope
In a little girl
Hello world
Every day I drive by
A little white church
It's got these little white crosses
Like angels in the yard
Maybe I should stop on in
Say a prayer
Maybe talk to God
Like he is here
Oh I know he is there
Ya, I know he's there
Hello world
How've you been?
Good to see you, my old friend
Sometimes I feel as cold as steel
And broken like I'm never going to heal
I see a light
A little grace, a little faith unfurled
Hello world
Sometimes I forget what living's for
And I hear my life through my front door
And I'll be there
Oh I'm home again
I see my wife, little boy, little girl
Hello world
Hello world
All the empty disappears
I remember why I'm here
Just surrender and believe
I fall down on my knees
Oh hello world
Hello world
Hello world
~God Bless~
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
With a break in the cold weather,
and feeling back to her old 'spiffy' self,
Queen Uno has initiated Spring Cleaning of the Castle.
Being the Gracious Leader she is,
Queen Uno applies the deep cleaning first to herself.
Now that her whites are white,
and her brights are bright,
the Queen is ready to check in on her delegates.
Always involved, she is well known for her personal attention.
After a long day of personally overseeing the work accomplished,
the Queen
(shown here with her Granddaughter,
Princess Blu,)
retires for the evening, knowing that much was accomplished.

A happy Queen makes for a happy Kingdom.
(Princess Blu agrees)
Yesterday was spent cleaning my bedroom. Top to bottom. All 'ugly' was removed and 'the prettiness' was restored. I have decided to only have one ugly area of my house, and currently that is the pile(s) of stuff waiting to be sorted and packed at one end of the house. How nice to go to sleep in a lovely bedroom, with a lovely view. And to wake to that same lovely view.
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time, and I feel I may have polished off a whole ear yesterday! My goal for the rest of the week is to keep chomping away at my "elephant" (ie: my junk), and keep that elephant at one end of the house instead of oppressing me in EVERY room.
Uno was very helpful, so happy when clean sheets and folded blankets appeared on the bed. For the first week after her disappearance, she followed me everywhere, but now she has settled back to her old routines. Its nice. She is so lovely. And even more lovely when she's not my shadow. Long live my Queen:).
Cats On Tuesday
and feeling back to her old 'spiffy' self,
Queen Uno has initiated Spring Cleaning of the Castle.
Being the Gracious Leader she is,
Queen Uno applies the deep cleaning first to herself.
Now that her whites are white,
and her brights are bright,
the Queen is ready to check in on her delegates.
Always involved, she is well known for her personal attention.
After a long day of personally overseeing the work accomplished,
the Queen
(shown here with her Granddaughter,
Princess Blu,)
retires for the evening, knowing that much was accomplished.
A happy Queen makes for a happy Kingdom.
(Princess Blu agrees)
~All Hail Queen Uno~
~Long Live The Queen~
Yesterday was spent cleaning my bedroom. Top to bottom. All 'ugly' was removed and 'the prettiness' was restored. I have decided to only have one ugly area of my house, and currently that is the pile(s) of stuff waiting to be sorted and packed at one end of the house. How nice to go to sleep in a lovely bedroom, with a lovely view. And to wake to that same lovely view.
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time, and I feel I may have polished off a whole ear yesterday! My goal for the rest of the week is to keep chomping away at my "elephant" (ie: my junk), and keep that elephant at one end of the house instead of oppressing me in EVERY room.
Uno was very helpful, so happy when clean sheets and folded blankets appeared on the bed. For the first week after her disappearance, she followed me everywhere, but now she has settled back to her old routines. Its nice. She is so lovely. And even more lovely when she's not my shadow. Long live my Queen:).
Cats On Tuesday
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Public Relations
Now that things have settled down from the 'uproar' of the disappearance and then safe return of our Queen Uno,
focus has now returned to
Peasant, ummm, Public Relations with the pooches.
Princess Blu has taken on her mother, Princess Froggie's opinion of working 'one on one' with thePeasant Pooch populations.
Thanks to night vision photography,
we can see here how some talks run long into the night.
Queen Uno, herself, avoids personal contact with thePeasant Pooch population,
but her policy is one of peace,
and the kingdom can 'rest' assured the rest of the monarchy feels the same.
Puppy LadyBelle and kitten Blu shared a nap last night. It wasn't long til they were sleeping side by side, but I couldn't get a picture of them with out waking them and ruining the moment.
Blu didn't start out a dog lover, but she is so curious she couldn't help herself.
The same can be said for LadyBelle.
They love bedtime in our big bed.
And it won't be long until they are best of buds.
Cats On Tuesday
focus has now returned to
Princess Blu has taken on her mother, Princess Froggie's opinion of working 'one on one' with the
Thanks to night vision photography,
we can see here how some talks run long into the night.
Queen Uno, herself, avoids personal contact with the
but her policy is one of peace,
and the kingdom can 'rest' assured the rest of the monarchy feels the same.
~Long Live Queen Uno~
~God Save The Queen!~
Puppy LadyBelle and kitten Blu shared a nap last night. It wasn't long til they were sleeping side by side, but I couldn't get a picture of them with out waking them and ruining the moment.
Blu didn't start out a dog lover, but she is so curious she couldn't help herself.
The same can be said for LadyBelle.
They love bedtime in our big bed.
And it won't be long until they are best of buds.
Cats On Tuesday
Camera Critters,
Cats On Tuesday,
Hounds On Thursday
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Son-Day: "Just Over In The Glory Land"
Just Over in the Glory Land
James W. Acuff, 1906
I’ve a home prepared where the saints abide,
Just over in the glory land;
And I long to be by my Savior’s side,
Just over in the glory land.
Just over in the glory land,
I’ll join the happy angel band,
Just over in the glory land;
Just over in the glory land,
There with the mighty host I’ll stand,
Just over in the glory land.
I am on my way to those mansions fair,
Just over in the glory land;
There to sing God’s praise and His glory share,
Just over in the glory land.
What a joyful thought that my Lord I’ll see,
Just over in the glory land;
And with kindred saved, there forever be,
Just over in the glory land.
With the blood-washed throng I will shout and sing,
Just over in the glory land;
Glad hosannas to Christ, the Lord and King,
Just over in the glory land.
~God Bless~
James W. Acuff, 1906
I’ve a home prepared where the saints abide,
Just over in the glory land;
And I long to be by my Savior’s side,
Just over in the glory land.
Just over in the glory land,
I’ll join the happy angel band,
Just over in the glory land;
Just over in the glory land,
There with the mighty host I’ll stand,
Just over in the glory land.
I am on my way to those mansions fair,
Just over in the glory land;
There to sing God’s praise and His glory share,
Just over in the glory land.
What a joyful thought that my Lord I’ll see,
Just over in the glory land;
And with kindred saved, there forever be,
Just over in the glory land.
With the blood-washed throng I will shout and sing,
Just over in the glory land;
Glad hosannas to Christ, the Lord and King,
Just over in the glory land.
~God Bless~
Thursday, January 13, 2011
This was LadyBelle's (spotted basset) first snow.
At first she didn't know what to do, but being the smart girl she is, she followed Reba's lead,
and was soon playing!
Also following Reba's lead, LadyBelle's favorite part of the snow day, was chilling with mom and dad on the warm dry bed, watching the tube.
{We got 4 inches of beautiful fluffy snow, probably all we will get all year. It was lovely, and is fading fast. Also lovely! Happy Winter.}
At first she didn't know what to do, but being the smart girl she is, she followed Reba's lead,
and was soon playing!
Also following Reba's lead, LadyBelle's favorite part of the snow day, was chilling with mom and dad on the warm dry bed, watching the tube.
{We got 4 inches of beautiful fluffy snow, probably all we will get all year. It was lovely, and is fading fast. Also lovely! Happy Winter.}
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Kingdom In An Uproar!!
The tabloids have been in an uproar!!!
Where is our Queen???
Of course the Kingdom's representatives have tried to keep the concern down for the sake of moral.

Princess Froggie on High Alert
But it didn't take long for the story to leak that our Queen had been missing since Friday night.
Not known for this type of behavior, of course the court, and public were more than just concerned.
Saturday: no sign of our Queen.
Then the weather changed for the worse.
Not for decades had the Kingdom been exposed to a winter storm
without the calm assuring 'paw' of their ruler.
Sunday: Rain, sleet, and snow. Still no Queen Uno.
Princess Blu braves the weather, and takes it upon herself to personally search for her missing Grandmother, Queen Uno.
The servants were in and out every, day looking for their leader.
There were (hushed) rumors that Princess Froggie, Queen Uno's adopted daughter, would be asked to step up and accept the crown, thus calming the nerves of the subjects.
Princess Froggie calls for the nation to 'paws' for a moment of silence.
Heavenly Father was petitioned on the Queen's behalf.
Friday night passed,
Saturday passed,
Sunday passed,
Monday passed.
Tuesday morning, the butler opened the front door, and gladly announced to all
In all her regal splendor the Queen pranced in!!
All hearts rejoiced, and much headbumping, and loving was showered.
Our Queen, our gentle ruler, had returned!!
Currently, after much fussing over, and feasting, the Queen has chosen some private time to repose herself.
Where was she?
What happened?
Right now the Queen's representatives respond with "No Comment."
{I honestly thought this would be an 'in memory of' post. Uno does not disappear. She is old, and does not go far, and during bad weather she is inside, ALWAYS. She enjoys her food and NEVER goes a day without food. Her daughter, Froggie, was quite the nut running in and out in the cold looking for her mom. Happily, Uno showed up this morning, STARVING for food and love. She was dry, so I'm guessing she got locked in someone's shed. Thank you God, for hearing my humble prayer, sending her home, and giving me a few more Unowonderful days!! }
Cats On Tuesday
Where is our Queen???
Of course the Kingdom's representatives have tried to keep the concern down for the sake of moral.

Princess Froggie on High Alert
But it didn't take long for the story to leak that our Queen had been missing since Friday night.
Not known for this type of behavior, of course the court, and public were more than just concerned.
Saturday: no sign of our Queen.
Then the weather changed for the worse.
Not for decades had the Kingdom been exposed to a winter storm
without the calm assuring 'paw' of their ruler.
Sunday: Rain, sleet, and snow. Still no Queen Uno.
Princess Blu braves the weather, and takes it upon herself to personally search for her missing Grandmother, Queen Uno.
The servants were in and out every, day looking for their leader.
There were (hushed) rumors that Princess Froggie, Queen Uno's adopted daughter, would be asked to step up and accept the crown, thus calming the nerves of the subjects.
Princess Froggie calls for the nation to 'paws' for a moment of silence.
Heavenly Father was petitioned on the Queen's behalf.
Friday night passed,
Saturday passed,
Sunday passed,
Monday passed.
Tuesday morning, the butler opened the front door, and gladly announced to all
In all her regal splendor the Queen pranced in!!
All hearts rejoiced, and much headbumping, and loving was showered.
Our Queen, our gentle ruler, had returned!!
Currently, after much fussing over, and feasting, the Queen has chosen some private time to repose herself.
Where was she?
What happened?
Right now the Queen's representatives respond with "No Comment."
~All Hail Queen Uno~
~Long Live The Queen~
{I honestly thought this would be an 'in memory of' post. Uno does not disappear. She is old, and does not go far, and during bad weather she is inside, ALWAYS. She enjoys her food and NEVER goes a day without food. Her daughter, Froggie, was quite the nut running in and out in the cold looking for her mom. Happily, Uno showed up this morning, STARVING for food and love. She was dry, so I'm guessing she got locked in someone's shed. Thank you God, for hearing my humble prayer, sending her home, and giving me a few more Unowonderful days!! }
Cats On Tuesday
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Son-Day: Forever Young
For my children, their sweethearts, and my marvelous grandbabies.
Forever Young
(R. Stewart/J.Cregan/K.Savigar)
May the good Lord be with you
Down every road you roam
And may sunshine and happiness
Surround you when you're far from home
And may you grow to be proud
Dignified and true
And do unto others
As you'd have done to you
Be courageous and be brave
And in my heart you'll always stay
Forever Young, Forever Young
Forever Young, Forever Young
May good fortune be with you
May your guiding light be strong
Build a stairway to heaven
With a prince or a vagabond
And may you never love in vain
And in my heart you will remain
Forever Young
And when you finally fly away
I'll be hoping that I served you well
For all the wisdom of a lifetime
No one can ever tell
But whatever road you choose
I'm right behind you, win or lose
Forever Young
~God, Bless My Babies~
and while you are at it
~Please Bless All YOUR Babies Too!!~
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Sharry Baby Joy
Today while watering the bathroom plants,
I noticed my poor Sharry Baby Orchid has what I think is a spike!!
Last year, after my Sharry Baby Orchid bloomed, I re-potted her in a semi-hydro method.
I was having problems not over watering her,
and was worried I would kill her,
semi-hydro was supposed to take care of that.
I just used a plastic food container,
with drain holes about half way up, and clay pellets instead of soil or bark.
Then I put her in my sunny kitchen window,
because I had read they like a lot of sun.
AND I wanted to make sure she was enjoyed.
(and remembered:).
Her leaf tips spotted up,
but in bright light that is supposed to be ok.
(Yellowing came later)
THEN her once smooth, fat bulbs started shriveling!!!
Not ok.
Not ok at all!!
So she went back to my well lit bathroom.
(I apoligized profusly! And, much to my pleasure, she graciously forgave me:)
Since then,
while in the bathroom,
her new leaves are thick and green,
and new blubs have been full and plump.
(a sign of a happy orchid)
So, with the excitement of the possible spike, I treated her to a nice shower (to remove the layer of dust).
I trimmed off ALL the yellow, dead, or ugly.
Told her I loved her, as I took her picture,
then came to share my Sharry Baby love on my blog!!

See it? See the all exciting spike????
(on the left, the tiny little point:)

Oh Sharry Baby, how I love thee...
Let me count the ways...
Fertlizer Friday At Tootise Time
I noticed my poor Sharry Baby Orchid has what I think is a spike!!
I was having problems not over watering her,
and was worried I would kill her,
semi-hydro was supposed to take care of that.
I just used a plastic food container,
with drain holes about half way up, and clay pellets instead of soil or bark.
Then I put her in my sunny kitchen window,
because I had read they like a lot of sun.
AND I wanted to make sure she was enjoyed.
(and remembered:).
but in bright light that is supposed to be ok.
(Yellowing came later)
Not ok.
Not ok at all!!
So she went back to my well lit bathroom.
(I apoligized profusly! And, much to my pleasure, she graciously forgave me:)
while in the bathroom,
her new leaves are thick and green,
and new blubs have been full and plump.
(a sign of a happy orchid)
I trimmed off ALL the yellow, dead, or ugly.
Told her I loved her, as I took her picture,
then came to share my Sharry Baby love on my blog!!
See it? See the all exciting spike????
(on the left, the tiny little point:)
Let me count the ways...
Fertlizer Friday At Tootise Time
Monday, January 3, 2011
Take A Little Time To Enjoy The View...
In church yesterday, I realized I regret not enjoying my life more.

So this year, I'm taking a lesson from the Queen.
Queen Uno is the MASTER at enjoying the moment.
At 10+ she has experienced much, yet she still enjoys life.
My leader, my example, my fine feline friend.
Happy New Year...
A remember take time to enjoy the view...

So this year, I'm taking a lesson from the Queen.
Queen Uno is the MASTER at enjoying the moment.
At 10+ she has experienced much, yet she still enjoys life.
My leader, my example, my fine feline friend.
Happy New Year...
A remember take time to enjoy the view...
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