Blooming like crazy, flopping and laying on everything, you could probably call these stringy,

These are in a pot, when I put them in the ground, I think I'll put them with a 'stiff stem' plant to give them some support.
Daisy says spring, so it must actually be here!!
(Really its ALMOST the dreaded summer for us:( )
Fertilizer Friday at Tootsie Time
Wow! WOW!!!
I have this daisy. I hope mine bloom this summer. Yours are beautiful.
my shasta daisies have just started growing again after the winter you are nearly a couple of months ahead of me with your plants. Its early summmer for mine to flower.
Mine are just the opposite, squatty short little things; they look like midgets. Can't figure out why they didn't grow longer stems!
Your shasta daisies are doing great, and your mosaic is beautiful!
That is a gorgeous combination. I can't believe how well you do growing things in pots. They are so full. Mine only look like that if I buy them.
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