My daughter called and asked if I could watch GS David, seems GD LauraJune broke her arm on Sunday during a slip-n-slide accident (landed wrong playing with dad). They were going to take her to get her hard cast. Gladly, I headed to McDonald's and (of course) took the camera!! She picked yellow for her brace wrap.
Then I put David in the back of the truck while I loaded his car seat. What a BIG man stance!!
I'm so amazed how much fun these kids have with stuff that costs nothing.
David is a ham, and when you get out the camera, he starts the 'cccchhhheeeezzzzeee'ing:)
When LauraJune came out, she wanted some of this exciting wheel action too!
Happy to oblige (and get a better shot of her and her yellow brace)...
Then little man, and I headed home...
He is SO cute...
And 'cccccchhhhheeeeeezzzzzzeeeee'y...
We went outside to document some plant action. (Goodness, I'm loving this wild growth!!!)
Inside checking out the 'new' chair...
Of course he came over to ham for the camera...
And pull the poor kitty's ears:)...
Poor kitty...
Back to the chair...up over the arm...
Time out to rub an eye (but trust me, he's not really sleepy;)...
Back to flipping...
Down he goes...
My daughter said LauraJune did well at the doctor's yesterday, but is a little crabby today. In 6 weeks it will be as good as new:)

When our Savanna was 1 1/2 she broke her arm. She was a little trooper though and little kids heal so quickly and well-thank goodness. Your grandkids are lucky to have you---have a super day. Julie
Awww they are so cute. They bring us Grammy's such joy don't they!
Love the little gymnast!! I hate to hear the little cutie broke her arm. She looks like she is taking it okay though.
Poor LauraJune! All part of being a kid, but I know it must hurt terribly. A trip to McD's should make everything better for all of them. Have you had the iced coffees there? MMMMMM, my new summer fave!
I sure LauraJane will heal quickly... they usually do at that age. David is a cutie-pie too.
awww poor lil one! But isn't the cast so CUTE?!
Your grands are so adorable! They are lucky to have such a doting grammY!
My daughter had a cast on her foot at 6 months to correct her foot growth--it is amazing how tiny they can make a cast!
I love how much you love and enjoy your grandkids. I hope I can be like that. Love the pics of the chair gymnast.
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