Tuesday, June 5, 2012

BT: 6/5/12

Thought I'd post some pics of the newish garden here:
First these are the home-owners babies I get to keep an eye on (aka e-n-j-o-y:) while the hubs is rebuilding her house.  We repotted a couple of onsite rose bushes, so we will see how they do. 
I can see these from the front porch of our guest house, and I do enjoy them.  Pretty pots too:).
This is the 'shabby-chic' garden  in the back of our guest house:).  I think it was her Nana's spot.  The homeowner's have had this place for over 150 years, I love the view of the hill country.  Currently the edging is just propped up.  Notice hubs rock ditch?  This really is a construction site:)
The fellas decided they needed to move her Nana's flowerbed, so I suggested the flower go in the spot Mrs.H (homeowner) had just cleared in the garden.  Easy right?
Little did I know that she had not only cleared, BUT had planted!!  Luckily the little plants had popped up leaves or I would have dug them up when planting the re-located flower plants!!
She has asparagus, beans, winter squash and Nana's flowers (Iris, mum, lilies, etc), on the left; zucchini, summer squash, in back right: and peppers and tomatoes on the right front.  One grape tomato plant is in the process of taking over the world.  It has a large tomato cage in its near future.  The soil here is so different, ours at home is sandy loam with clay or iron-ore under it.  Here it is either dried out or muckly and limestone is about a foot deep. 
These are my grow-pots from home.  I didn't know Mrs.H had planted a garden to share.  The beans and squash and cucumber are doing great.  I moved them off the front porch to get more sun, I just have to remember the sprinkler doesn't water them like they need.

Besties, Basset: Ladybelle, and Chimix: LilDog chillxin in style..
I waited too late this morning to get those flowers in the garden, got hot fast, and I tell you I felt like my girls here...one tired puppy!!  I'm going to wait til after supper to go hoe some more, and hopefully get the hubs to make me that large tomato cage!!
Blooming Tuesday


  1. Oh, my goodness! I grew up with Bassett hounds! :D And I see we are gardening sisters for sure. :)

  2. Welcome back to Bloomin' Tuesday! Lots of bloomin' and plantin' goin' on! Jean
