Monday, December 26, 2011

COT: Blu Christmas

 Its a blue blue Christmas...

 At my mom's our Princess Blu has been reunited with her 1/2 sister, Moxie (on left).
Moxie, also our Froggie's kitten, was born just a few months after Blu.
Moxie was the runt in a large litter, but, like her name says, she has Moxie.

 How do you tell these girls apart?

Easy...Moxie has a sweet round face, soft meow, and is very timid.
Blu has more of a sour face, sour meow, and (often) sour and take no crap off of anycat attitude. 

Love my Blu girl.

Cats On Tuesday


  1. They are both very pretty! It would be hard for me to tell them apart.
    Meows sure can be different. My two are very different one sounds like a baby kitty and the other one never quits talking and sounds similar to a siamese.

  2. What beautiful colouring - they're both gorgeous!

  3. You know them, I probably wouldn't see the difference !

  4. They are both gorgeous! Chin squizzles from all of us in Malaysia. Au, Target and Guido

  5. Blu Christmas, that's cute! She's very pretty but so is Moxie. I couldn't tell them apart!

  6. Awwww! They are all adorable! And such characters!

  7. What a nice holiday treat, to have Blue and Moxie reuinted. They are both quite pretty.

  8. they are sooo cute :) thanks for stopping by :)
