Monday, May 2, 2011

Camper Tales

First we purchased a slide-in cabover truck camper (here:  Cabover camper). 
My dream was to travel and have a place to pull over and sleep.  
(By travel I mean go to see my kids in other towns or states.)
How cool would it be to just load up and go..
.stopping anywhere you want and eating a meal or catching a nap. 
(I hate spending money to stay at motels.)
Our King Of The Road Cabover needed lots of love (the whole skin replaced) so instead we bought another one:
A newer, BIGGER Coachmen Cabover. 
All mauve inside~SO pretty.

 It, too, needed repair, so we bought:
 This cool, old, larger travel trailer.  Big bathroom, LOTS of cabinets.
I couldn't believe how big it was. 
(I had wanted something I could drive, and that is now ruled out;)

Then hubby called one day to tell me he bid on this. 
A 2006 FEMA travel trailer.
He won the bid, and home it came. 
So big and so pretty!!!  Let the good times roll!
(We sold all our others so this is it, however, I'm thinking I would like a camper van, so we could use it to visit our kiddos all the way in Wisconsin and Maryland.   We'll see;)


  1. Wow--you've been busy! So, do you fix up all of them before you sell them again? It makes me tired just reading about it all :0)

  2. My husband has this same dream…but he has to wait! Down the line it would be totally cool.

  3. I'm over here from As For Me and My House..... if you will contact Kiki (link on my blog) you have won a cleaning sample from Shaklee! CONGRATULATIONS!
