Wednesday, September 2, 2009

BT&OW: 09/01/09

Early bird gets these blooms...
(moon plant)
I was going to get up early yesterday and take these for Bloomin' Tuesday, but I forgot we were going out of town early to take my son, Eric to the airport.
When I got back, these evening, and early morning bloomers were all closed up.
So, I captured them this morning.
I planted a whole packet of 'mixed' Morning Glories, and this is the only color I got.
(morning glory)
It will do...
So, here is Bloomin Tuesday and Outdoor Wednesday:)

Join MsGreen "thumb" Jean for Bloomin' Tuesday! Come join in or see others!

Also Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Day Dreamer's


  1. Pretty mosaic, pink is always such a soothing, and happy color! Have a great day out of town and thanks for posting. . .

  2. Wow...just wow. I especially like the morning glories.

    MY Outdoor Wednesday is now posted if you'd like to stop by for a visit. WEATHER or not, here it comes! Finally!!

  3. I don't believe I've ever seen a moon plant blooming or otherwise, but I am an early riser. Your morning glory mosaic is lovely too. I think I've visited your blog before but don't recall whether I've mentioned how much I love its name. I agree ... A Mellow Life IS a Good Life indeed ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  4. Mine are thriving in this dry heat, too. Unfortunately, because it is dark when they bloom, it's hard to get good photos of them.

  5. Beautiful shots Carla! Love those moonflowers.

    Happy Outdoor Wednesday ~ I hope you're having a wonderful day!

  6. I love the collage you prepared to share with us today. It's perfect for outdoor Wednesday. I hope you are enjoying the last few days of summer.

  7. Love your moon plant. Great photos!

  8. love your morning of my favorites!

    I laughed at the comment you left on my blog about that yucky does look like a big old tick! blah.

    Thanks for stopping by and I am truly sorry if I grossed you out...

    Happy OW! You have a beautiful family!!!


  9. I have only seen a moon plant once. Some friends had one. It was fun to enjoy its beauty at an unexpected time of the day.

    Becky K.
    Hospitality Lane

  10. I love that there is a plant called a moon plant and then you have a Morning Glory. Very pretty!

  11. What beautiful flowers you have. My daughter also planted morning glories.

    I have never seen a moon plant but I really like it.

  12. Wonderful pictures. I have a hard time with white flowers you did great.

  13. Hi Carla ~ Thank you so much for stopping by Mountain Musings and leaving a comment. I love your beautiful morning glories--if if they aren't different colors! The purple color is really striking.

  14. I understand that moon flowers smell really nice, too. I may plant some next year. I planted morning glories last year and although they were identified as annuals, some came up again this year.

  15. Very pretty! My hubby likes morning glories but I never see them sold here. I wonder if they live in MS!...Christine

  16. Your moon flowers are lovely! I have some in a pot but was told some people put them in the ground here so I planted one. See what happens next year. I love the color of the morning glories you got! Beautiful! Jean

  17. Very pretty. We've got morning glories, but I didn't plant them. They grow where I don't want them to and I end up trying to pull them up. they are throughout my blackberry plants and I don't know how they got there.

  18. Beautiful photos and your flowers are just gorgeous!

  19. I love moon flowers and morning glories, and enjoyed your photos of them. I've combined memes before, too.
